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  1. Bayes EMBA journey proves rewarding for husband and wife graduands

    Bayes EMBA journey proves rewarding for husband and wife graduands

    Husband and wife graduate at City's 11th ceremony in Dubai

    Hashtag: Graduate success

  2. Meet Alex Skailes, incoming Chair of the Bayes Global Women’s Leadership Programme Executive Board

    Meet Alex Skailes, incoming Chair of the Bayes Global Women’s Leadership Programme Executive Board

    Alex Skailes, Director at the Bayes Centre for Charity Effectiveness (CCE) appointed Chair of the GWLP's Executive Board

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Department of Music launches Summer Sounds festival

    Department of Music launches Summer Sounds festival

    City's Department of Music launches its annual Summer Sounds festival with performances reflecting the vibrant and musically diverse work of City students, staff and friends of the Department

    Hashtag: Campus life

  4. No, Britain is not breaking international law on the NI Protocol

    No, Britain is not breaking international law on the NI Protocol

    Professor David Collins says a light-touch approach to the Great Britain/Northern Ireland border can preserve the integrity of the UK while posing little or no threat to the EU’s Single Market.

  5. Bayes Innovate 2022: How entrepreneurs can regroup and restart post pandemic

    Bayes Innovate 2022: How entrepreneurs can regroup and restart post pandemic

    Interdisciplinary event welcomes business leaders and practitioners to look into the future of entrepreneurship.

  6. Four rise to the top in Moot Final

    Four rise to the top in Moot Final

    Matthew Innes, Lucas Jones, Tabitha Hutchinson and Alex Crichton-Miller take top spots in The City Law School’s Senior Moot Final.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Lord Mayor pays official visit to The City Law School

    Lord Mayor pays official visit to The City Law School

    Rt Hon. Lord Mayor Alderman Vincent Keaveny hosted by Dean of The City Law School, Professor Andrew Stockley and Deputy Dean, Professor Richard Ashcroft.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. City mooting team turns in impressive performance in international competition

    City mooting team turns in impressive performance in international competition

    The City Law School mooting team places second in the recent International Migration and Refugee Moot held at Ghent University in Belgium.

    Hashtag: Student success

  9. Obituary: Colin Bobb-Semple

    Obituary: Colin Bobb-Semple

    The Guyana-born lawyer was a cherished former Senior Lecturer at The City Law School.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Professor Atif Mian delivers the Henry Thornton Lecture at Bayes

    Professor Atif Mian delivers the Henry Thornton Lecture at Bayes

    Princeton University professor delivers Bayes Business School’s flagship finance and monetary theory lecture.

    Hashtag: Announcements