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  1. Bayes Business School graduates earn the most on average five years after leaving university

    Bayes Business School graduates earn the most on average five years after leaving university

    New data finds that graduates at Bayes earn more on average than any other university in the UK.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Professor Panos Koutrakos appointed to the list of candidates suitable for appointment as Arbitrators and Trade and Sustainable Development Experts

    Professor Panos Koutrakos appointed to the list of candidates suitable for appointment as Arbitrators and Trade and Sustainable Development Experts

    The European Commission can call upon City’s Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law to be nominated for appointment in specific disputes or proposed to the Council for rosters, courts or tribunals.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. City’s Artificial Intelligence Research Centre (CitAI) co-organises successful webinar with the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM)

    City’s Artificial Intelligence Research Centre (CitAI) co-organises successful webinar with the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM)

    The webinar considered the benefits of AI in various healthcare applications.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Forging a career in mental health research

    Forging a career in mental health research

    Jacqueline Sin, Professor of Mental Health Nursing and Steve Gillard, Professor of Mental Health Research, deliver their Inaugural Lectures at City, University of London

    Hashtag: Research news

  5. School of Health Sciences Practice Excellence Awards 2022

    School of Health Sciences Practice Excellence Awards 2022

    The SHPS Practice Excellence Awards recognise, celebrate and reward the achievements of our practice colleagues, who provide excellent placements and support for our students.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Journalism scholarships: towards a more diverse British press

    Journalism scholarships: towards a more diverse British press

    An overview of the scholarship and bursary options available to prospective students in City’s Department of Journalism.

  7. Press Recognition Panel appoints City Journalism academic to its board

    Press Recognition Panel appoints City Journalism academic to its board

    Dr Zahera Harb, a Reader within City’s Department of Journalism, is among two new Board Members appointed today by the Press Recognition Panel (PRP).

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. Girls’ mental health has been affected more than boys’ during the pandemic – new research

    Girls’ mental health has been affected more than boys’ during the pandemic – new research

    Evidence has shown that Covid has impacted women’s mental health more than men’s. Now, new research shows that school-aged girls’ mental wellbeing has also been disproportionately affected.

    Hashtag: Research study

  9. Rising prices: why the global drive to keep food cheap is unsustainable

    Rising prices: why the global drive to keep food cheap is unsustainable

    Corinna Hawkes is Professor of Food Policy at City, University of London and writes about the factors influencing the current rise in the cost of food globally

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. City supports #RockingAphasia campaign during Aphasia Awareness Month

    City supports #RockingAphasia campaign during Aphasia Awareness Month

    Honorary Fellow with the Centre for Human-Computer Interaction Design, Dr Abi Roper, has helped to design the campaign.

    Hashtag: Announcements