The European Commission can call upon City’s Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law to be nominated for appointment in specific disputes or proposed to the Council for rosters, courts or tribunals.

By Mr John Stevenson (Senior Communications Officer), Published

Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law in The City Law School, Professor Panos Koutrakos, has been appointed to the European Commission’s list of candidates suitable for appointment as Arbitrators and Trade and Sustainable Development Experts.

640376On 23rd June 2022, the Commission published the pool of almost 400 individuals  eligible for appointment as arbitrators and trade and sustainable development (TSD) experts in bilateral disputes under trade agreements with third countries.

The pool is the result of a new selection mechanism, addressing demands from stakeholders and the European Parliament for a more transparent, independent and inclusive process.

Eligible candidates come from very diverse backgrounds and include legal practitioners and academics from all over the world and across the EU.

Professor Koutrakos is delighted with news of his appointment to the pool.

Dispute settlement is an important element in ensuring the correct implementation of the EU’s trade and investment agreements with third countries.

The European Commission is responsible for representing the EU in any dispute settlement procedures.

For more information please visit this weblink.


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