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Matching courses (showing 91100 of 183 courses)

  1. Introduction to Minor Injury and Ailment Management for Practice Nurses

    City Health course

    This course provides an introduction (or update) to minor injury and ailment management for Practice Nurses.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

  2. Introduction to Minor Injury and Ailment Management for School Nurses

    City Health course

    This course provides an introduction (or update) to minor injury and ailment management for School Nurses.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

  3. Introduction to Optometry

    Foundation course

    Want to study optometry? Lack the qualifications for direct entry to a BSc? Gain the skills and knowledge needed to progress to City’s highly respected Optometry degree.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Duration: 1 year

    Course code: B513

  4. Introduction to Research Methods and Applied Data Analysis

    Professional development course

    This course provides a thorough introduction to the principles and practice of research relevant to health and social care.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Duration: 10 weeks

  5. Introduction to Research Methods and Data Analysis (Online course)

    Professional development course

    This online course provides a thorough introduction to the principles and practice of research relevant to health and social care.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Duration: 10 weeks

  6. Introduction to Rhythm Recognition

    City Health course

    This course is for registered practitioners working in clinical settings where continuous cardiac monitoring is performed and who require 12-lead ECG interpretation skills.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Duration: 1 day

  7. IV Fluid and Medication Management in Clinical Practice

    City Health course

    The course aims to prepare practitioners for safe and effective administration of medications/fluids via the intravenous route.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

  8. Language and Communication Sciences PhD/MPhil

    Postgraduate research degree

    City’s postgraduate research programme enables you to conduct research to contribute to knowledge in the field.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Awards: Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Philosophy

    Duration: 1 – 7 years

  9. Leadership (e-learning)

    Professional development course

    This course explores and analyses key concepts and theoretical frameworks underpinning effective leadership in healthcare.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Duration: 12 weeks

  10. Leadership in Healthcare course

    City Health course

    This module develops students’ knowledge and understanding of leadership in healthcare, both in theory and practice.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences