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Matching courses (showing 101110 of 183 courses)

  1. Leadership in Long Term Conditions Masterclass

    Professional development course

    This series of masterclasses supports experienced registered nurses in primary care by developing their leadership skills to support better patient care.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

  2. Leading and Evaluating Learning in Practice (Online)

    Professional development course

    This course develops the leadership skills and understanding that is essential for supervising learners as they acquire professional knowledge and attitudes and skills.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Duration: 9 weeks

  3. Leading Care in Dementia and Frailty

    Professional development course

    This course provides participants with the knowledge and skills needed to care for patients living with Dementia and Frailty.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Duration: 5 weeks

  4. Leading Change Professional Development Course

    Professional development course

    This course develops the skills necessary to implement a change plan for improvement in health and social care, and lead a team through and beyond the transition.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Duration: 5 weeks

  5. Liaison Mental Health Care

    Professional development course

    This course develops both the skills and theoretical knowledge of those working in or planning to work in the field of liaison mental health care.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Duration: 12 weeks

  6. Linguistics BSc (Hons)

    Undergraduate degree

    Gain a deep understanding of language and speech, and develop a range of essential workplace-related skills.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Award: Bachelor of Science (Honours)

    Duration: 3 years

    Course code: Q100

    Years of entry: 2024/2025

  7. LUNA: Moving on with Narrative (MOON)

    City Health course

    This course is designed to upskill speech and language therapists in discourse analysis in aphasia.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Duration: 7 weeks

  8. Major Trauma: Critical Care Patient Management (Level 6)

    Professional development course

    This course prepares participants to provide critical care by equipping them with the essential knowledge and skills to treat life-threatening injuries.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Duration: 5 weeks

  9. Major Trauma: Critical Care Patient Management (Level 7)

    Professional development course

    This course prepares participants to provide critical care by equipping them with the essential knowledge and skills to treat life-threatening injuries.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Duration: 6 weeks

  10. Makaton Taster Session

    City Health course

    This course provides an introduction to Makaton and the chance to learn signs relevant to student Speech and Language Therapists.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences