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  1. Giving Voice award for City Speech and Language Technologist

    Giving Voice award for City Speech and Language Technologist

    City, University of London Speech and Language Technologist receives award from the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists for awareness raising of communication difficulties.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. What capitalism can learn from the religions of the world

    What capitalism can learn from the religions of the world

    Professor Atul Shah explains how faiths have been reflecting on the nature and limits of money for hundreds of years. They see business as a servant of society, never its master.

  3. Systematically examining the way spatial structure influences the evolution of cancer

    Systematically examining the way spatial structure influences the evolution of cancer

    City Mathematician Dr Robert Noble and colleagues have authored a new study in Nature Ecology & Evolution

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Knighthood for City, University of London President, Professor Anthony Finkelstein

    Knighthood for City, University of London President, Professor Anthony Finkelstein

    City, University of London is delighted to announce that its President, Professor Anthony Finkelstein, has been awarded a Knighthood in the New Year Honours, for Public Service.

  5. British food environment actively undermines people’s attempts to lose weight and keep it off

    British food environment actively undermines people’s attempts to lose weight and keep it off

    New systematic review from the NIHR Obesity Policy Research Unit makes key policy recommendations to Government to help curb the obesity crisis in the UK.

    Hashtag: Research study

  6. New research finds that the Royal Family outlive the general population by 26 per cent

    New report by Bayes Business School and the International Longevity Centre compares the dynasty led by Queen Elizabeth II with that of the general population and Kennedy family in America.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  7. Bayes Business School Research Highlights 2021

    A look back on some of the top research from Bayes Business School across the last 12 months.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. CityStarters Weekend winner targets UK market breakthrough with skin care product made from citrus peel

    Bayes student to build sustainable brand Citrus Cycle and is targeting the university community.

    Hashtags: Announcements, impact

  9. Protection or Paternalism: How has COVID-19 affected the ethical review of studies that investigate traumatic experiences?

    Protection or Paternalism: How has COVID-19 affected the ethical review of studies that investigate traumatic experiences?

    Commenting in The Lancet Psychiatry, City, University of London academics discuss the balance of involving, whilst protecting, vulnerable people in mental health research under pandemic conditions.

    Hashtag: Research news

  10. Research shows psychological impact of pandemic on UK nursing and midwifery workforce

    Research shows psychological impact of pandemic on UK nursing and midwifery workforce

    Research developed by the Royal College of Nursing Research Society shows psychological impact of pandemic on UK nursing and midwifery workforce.

    Hashtag: Research study