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  1. In memory of Martin Conway

    In memory of Martin Conway

    A tribute from colleagues and friends of Professor Martin Conway (1952-2022), who served as City’s Head of Psychology until 2017, known for his pioneering theoretical work on autobiographical memory.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Bayes partners with Lockton MENA to launch The Wael Khatib Scholarship

    Bayes partners with Lockton MENA to launch The Wael Khatib Scholarship

    New fully-funded scholarship to support MENA students on the MSc Risk and Insurance Management programme.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Russian aggression in Ukraine: who is to blame?

    Russian aggression in Ukraine: who is to blame?

    Academics from City, University of London's Department of International Politics held a roundtable to debate perspectives on recent events. Isha Borkar offers an overview.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Dr Enrico Bonadio to devise intellectual property (IP) strategy for Tonus Tech

    Dr Enrico Bonadio to devise intellectual property (IP) strategy for Tonus Tech

    The City Law School academic is assisting the healthcare and sporting technology company in protecting the IP rights around its robotics products.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. City, University of London acquires the Urdang Academy

    City, University of London acquires the Urdang Academy

    City, University of London is delighted to announce the prestigious performing arts school, the Urdang Academy, based in the Old Finsbury Town Hall, will be joining City.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. P&O Ferries sackings: Professor Jason Chuah gives oral evidence to Parliament

    P&O Ferries sackings: Professor Jason Chuah gives oral evidence to Parliament

    The City Law School’s Professor of Commercial and Maritime Law appears before a joint session of the Transport Select Committee and the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Select Committee.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Boosterism blinds us to the possible benefits of Brexit

    Boosterism blinds us to the possible benefits of Brexit

    City’s Professor Tamara Hervey co-authors the Nuffield Trust’s critical analysis of post-Brexit UK health policy.

    Hashtags: Announcements, Research news, Research study

  8. Bayes welcomes Year 12 business pupils as part of work in mentoring and coaching

    Bayes welcomes Year 12 business pupils as part of work in mentoring and coaching

    Pupils spoke to academics and professional staff about options and possibilities for the future.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. ‘“Living with Covid” while Clinically Vulnerable: A real-life story’

    ‘“Living with Covid” while Clinically Vulnerable: A real-life story’

    City’s Dr Ernesto Priego has co-authored a one-page comic, developed between January and March 2022 in response to the easing of mitigations around the pandemic.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. ‘An extraordinary moment in social history’

    ‘An extraordinary moment in social history’

    A workshop at City, University of London looked back on two years of the first digitally witnessed pandemic and asked how the connections we have made will affect our remembrance.

    Hashtag: Announcements