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  1. Inflation: why you might be worrying about it more than you should

    People often misperceive inflation as higher than it is, especially when prices of everyday items are soaring, stoking the potential for unrest. What explains this, and what can we do about it?

  2. Bankers need to be personally liable to avoid future financial crises - new research

    David Blake, Professor of Finance and Director of the Pensions Institute at Bayes writes for The Conversation.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  3. Ukraine war: Putin’s bid to weaponise refugees is failing – here’s what that means for Europe

    Ukraine war: Putin’s bid to weaponise refugees is failing – here’s what that means for Europe

    A mass exodus in Ukraine will make it harder for the country to remain a viable independent state with a functioning economy, says City, University of London's Professor Michael Ben-Gad.

  4. Mindfulness in the Armed Services: Strengthening Resilience

    Mindfulness in the Armed Services: Strengthening Resilience

    UK All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Mindfulness convenes to discuss evidenced-based mindfulness in the armed services.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Food voucher scheme for low-income families to undergo first independent evaluation

    Food voucher scheme for low-income families to undergo first independent evaluation

    City, University of London and collaborators will evaluate Healthy Start, a government scheme to improve the nutritional health of pregnant women and young children from low-income households.

    Hashtag: Research study

  6. City academic serving as Director of Chilean government’s social investment fund

    City academic serving as Director of Chilean government’s social investment fund

    Dr Nicolás Navarrete Hernandez is reporting directly to the Chilean President until mid-2023.

  7. Positive disruption: How can it ensure gender equity at home and in the workplace?

    Positive disruption: How can it ensure gender equity at home and in the workplace?

    Embedding techniques into workplace strategies and challenging cultural acceptances discussed at Global Women 4 Wellbeing event at Bayes Business School.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  8. Is it becoming impossible to be contrarian?

    Is it becoming impossible to be contrarian?

    Bayes hosts debate around freedom of speech.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. International employability and entrepreneurship programme aids partnerships for 24 UK and Sub-Saharan Africa universities

    Bayes Business School programme works to reduce levels of youth unemployment in Sub-Saharan Africa.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. City, University of London joins employers and organisations to reduce inequalities and support growth in Islington

    City, University of London joins employers and organisations to reduce inequalities and support growth in Islington

    Initiative led by Islington Council will bring together nine founding members to drive change in the borough.