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  1. Rethinking young women's working lives

    Rethinking young women's working lives

    Professor Rachel Cohen from City, University of London’s Department of Sociology and Criminology will collaborate on new UKRI-funded research into women’s early experiences of employment.

    Hashtag: Research news

  2. Tina Brown to give Harold Evans Memorial Lecture

    Tina Brown to give Harold Evans Memorial Lecture

    The former New Yorker and Vanity Fair editor will give a Memorial Lecture to her late husband Sir Harold Evans next week.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Music PhD student wins prestigious Jerome Roche Prize

    Music PhD student wins prestigious Jerome Roche Prize

    Gabrielle Messeder was awarded this year’s prize by the Royal Musical Association.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. How musical care can be delivered throughout the human life course

    How musical care can be delivered throughout the human life course

    Edited by academics from City, University of London and the Royal College of Music, a new book takes an interdisciplinary approach to how musical care is undertaken during different stages of life.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Starting up: Global MBA alumna sets up The Knowledge Shop during part-time degree

    Starting up: Global MBA alumna sets up The Knowledge Shop during part-time degree

    Online MBA graduate uses her degree to kickstart an entrepreneurial career.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Protests in Iran: a statement from City's President

    Protests in Iran: a statement from City's President

    A statement from City's President on the protests in Iran.

  7. Tom Frith wins mass race in 2022 London Marathon

    Tom Frith wins mass race in 2022 London Marathon

    The City PhD Mathematics alumnus completes the race in 2hrs 18 minutes and 35 seconds.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. Knowledge Exchange Framework: KEF 2022 results announced

    Knowledge Exchange Framework: KEF 2022 results announced

    The results of the second Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF2) were announced on Tuesday 27 September 2022.

  9. Careful crafting of social media earnings posts can substantially increase price reactions

    Research shows how getting earnings announcements right on social media can significantly impact price reactions.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  10. The City Law School’s LLB1 students experience Employability Day and Induction at the Inner Temple

    The City Law School’s LLB1 students experience Employability Day and Induction at the Inner Temple

    New law students learn about opportunities to assist them in their professional journeys.

    Hashtag: Announcements