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  1. Roubles for Russian gas “likely to lead to restructuring of commodity trade flows”

    Bayes commodities expert predicts alternative sources and routes for European energy if Russian counter-sanctions are upheld.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  2. How a journalism student is amplifying the voices of young women refugees from Syria to Ukraine

    How a journalism student is amplifying the voices of young women refugees from Syria to Ukraine

    A City, University of London journalism student is putting her studies into practice across the world, by giving refugee women and girls the opportunity to tell their stories.

  3. New scorecards show under 1% of reported rapes lead to conviction – criminologist explains why England’s justice system continues to fail

    New scorecards show under 1% of reported rapes lead to conviction – criminologist explains why England’s justice system continues to fail

    Dr Katrin Hohl, a criminologist at City, University of London, assesses why rape prosecutions are so low, why cases take so long, and why most victims withdraw their case.

    Hashtag: Research news

  4. Bayes partners with Lockton MENA to launch The Wael Khatib Scholarship

    Bayes partners with Lockton MENA to launch The Wael Khatib Scholarship

    New fully-funded scholarship to support MENA students on the MSc Risk and Insurance Management programme.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Russian aggression in Ukraine: who is to blame?

    Russian aggression in Ukraine: who is to blame?

    Academics from City, University of London's Department of International Politics held a roundtable to debate perspectives on recent events. Isha Borkar offers an overview.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Dr Enrico Bonadio to devise intellectual property (IP) strategy for Tonus Tech

    Dr Enrico Bonadio to devise intellectual property (IP) strategy for Tonus Tech

    The City Law School academic is assisting the healthcare and sporting technology company in protecting the IP rights around its robotics products.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Female-led deals still achieving lower announcement returns despite higher overall performance, report finds

    New report for SS&C Intralinks, co-authored by Bayes Business School, finds negative perception of female-led deals to be unjustified.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  8. Global commercial aviation: The first casualty in political conflict

    Global commercial aviation: The first casualty in political conflict

    Linus Bauer, senior aviation industry consultant and Visiting Lecturer on City’s Air Transport Management MSc programme, says global aviation can play a role in ending the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

    Hashtag: brand new

  9. The value of installing new technologies in supply chains: How current users are getting it wrong and how to change it

    The value of installing new technologies in supply chains: How current users are getting it wrong and how to change it

    Bayes study finds that how managers and their organisations perceive new technologies like AI, blockchain and the Internet of Things sets them up for eventual disappointment.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  10. Mentor goes from City student to tutor in bid to open up writing opportunities to charities and disadvantaged groups

    Mentor goes from City student to tutor in bid to open up writing opportunities to charities and disadvantaged groups

    Ciaran Thapar is offering a scholarship on the new short course to former students at The Access Project.