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  1. Memory Lane Games and City, University of London awarded £80k as semi-finalists in the £4.2m Longitude Prize on Dementia

    Memory Lane Games and City, University of London awarded £80k as semi-finalists in the £4.2m Longitude Prize on Dementia

    Their AI-enabled Personalised Digital Reminiscence Platform will empower family members and carers to more easily engage with and calm people living with dementia

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. School of Health & Psychological Sciences Student Awards 2023

    School of Health & Psychological Sciences Student Awards 2023

    The Awards celebrate exceptional academic achievement by School students, and outstanding enhancement of the student experience by its staff and student representatives.

  3. Outstanding postgraduate Computer Science students celebrate their achievements

    Outstanding postgraduate Computer Science students celebrate their achievements

    The annual Prize-Giving Day rewards City’s MSc students

    Hashtag: Student success

  4. Celebrating LGBTQI+ History Month at the School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Celebrating LGBTQI+ History Month at the School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    The School of Health & Psychological Sciences hosted its LGBTQI+ In Academia panel event to share and learn from the lived experiences and perspectives of its LGBTQI+ students and staff.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Dr Marc Mimler and Dr Enrico Bonadio give workshop at Meiji University (Japan) on ‘Video Games, Fan Culture, and Intellectual Property’

    Dr Marc Mimler and Dr Enrico Bonadio give workshop at Meiji University (Japan) on ‘Video Games, Fan Culture, and Intellectual Property’

    The findings and proceedings from their Japan workshop will be incorporated into the upcoming Research Handbook on Interactive Entertainment Law.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Bayes academic comments on Bank of England inflation forecasting

    Bayes academic comments on Bank of England inflation forecasting

    Professor Giovanni Urga discusses the BoE's failure to accurately predict the rise and stubbornness of inflation in the UK

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  7. School of Science and Technology hosts corporate engagement event

    School of Science and Technology hosts corporate engagement event

    The event proves to be an excellent opportunity for external business contacts to understand more about the capabilities and expertise available at City.

  8. Giving birth outside of working hours in England is safe, suggests study

    Giving birth outside of working hours in England is safe, suggests study

    New study shares in-depth analysis of the factors affecting birth and its timing, suggesting that for almost all births, being born ‘out of hours’ is as safe as being born during working hours.

    Hashtag: Research study

  9. Lessening the risk of cardiovascular disease in people with a severe mental illness

    Lessening the risk of cardiovascular disease in people with a severe mental illness

    ELFT and City, University of London announce the launch of a joint research initiative, dedicated to lessening the risk of cardiovascular disease in individuals with severe mental illness.

    Hashtag: Research news

  10. Professor Emmeline Taylor appointed Advisor to the Strategic Coordinating Board for Business Crime

    Professor Emmeline Taylor appointed Advisor to the Strategic Coordinating Board for Business Crime

    Professor of Criminology to lead the way on business crime reduction.