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  1. Malta: how the rule of law has been challenged by murder and corruption allegations

    Malta: how the rule of law has been challenged by murder and corruption allegations

    The City Law School’s Dr John Stanton says concern for the rule of law on the Mediterranean island runs deeper than allegations of serious crime and the killing of Daphne Caruaza Galizia.

  2. City-led consortium wins highly competitive European Space Agency (ESA) funding for AI-based space research

    City-led consortium wins highly competitive European Space Agency (ESA) funding for AI-based space research

    Professor Nabil Aouf will spearhead the project titled, ‘Artificial Intelligence Techniques for guidance, navigation and control (GNC) Design, Implementation and Verification’ (AITIVE-GNC).

  3. Full certification for City’s MSc in Cyber Security

    Full certification for City’s MSc in Cyber Security

    City is one of ten universities around the UK to have become the latest to receive official recognition for the full certification of its postgraduate degree from the National Cyber Security Centre.

  4. His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

    His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

    It is with the deepest regret we record the death of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

  5. City academic’s research featured in Economist and Telegraph

    City academic’s research featured in Economist and Telegraph

    Dr Giulia Faggio interviewed about her research into the relocation of civil servants.

  6. Cooperating in their supply chains can help businesses recover faster

    Cooperating in their supply chains can help businesses recover faster

    Professor ManMohan Sodhi discusses what needs to be done to ensure UK supply chains are not another casualty of Covid-19 and Brexit.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  7. Professor John Carlton comments on the grounding of the Ever Given

    Professor John Carlton comments on the grounding of the Ever Given

    The City engineering academic says the construction of a second Suez Canal system may offer a solution in preventing such a scenario in future.

  8. ‘Over-priced’ Deliveroo should not be viewed as a tech model for the future

    Professors at the Business School analyse why Deliveroo’s foray into the London stock market may not have worked out as planned.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  9. Lockdown: mobile data suggests Europeans may not have followed rules as strictly in the second wave

    Lockdown: mobile data suggests Europeans may not have followed rules as strictly in the second wave

    Dr Sotiris Georganas from City, University of London's Department of Economics on adherence to Covid-19 lockdowns across Europe.

  10. Survey shows 32% of British women don’t feel safe walking alone at night – compared to just 13% of men

    Survey shows 32% of British women don’t feel safe walking alone at night – compared to just 13% of men

    Professor Rory Fitzgerald, Director of the European Social Survey, based at City, University of London writes on women feeling unsafe after dark and how Norway is making good progress in this area.