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  1. City named in top three universities in the country for social mobility

    City named in top three universities in the country for social mobility

    A report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies, has ranked City, University of London among the top three universities in the UK for social mobility.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Shopping trolleys save shoppers money as pushing reduces spending, finds new study

    Ahead of the holiday season, new Bayes Business School research has found that repositioning the handles on trolleys could boost sales by 25 per cent for retailers.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight

  3. Lynne Townley appointed Fee-Paid Judge

    Lynne Townley appointed Fee-Paid Judge

    The City Law School Lecturer will adjudicate in Employment Tribunals and the First-Tier Tribunal (Health, Education and Social Care).

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Paella given official cultural recognition

    Paella given official cultural recognition

    The City Law School’s Dr Enrico Bonadio and the University of Alicante’s Magali Contardi comment on what the new status means for the iconic dish.

  5. City academic’s podcast wins Lovie Award

    City academic’s podcast wins Lovie Award

    An episode of the Spaces of Solitude podcast, presented by Dr Hetta Howes, has been recognised with a silver Lovie Award for ‘Best Individual Episode’ of a podcast.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. City increases scholarship values and welcomes new scholars

    City increases scholarship values and welcomes new scholars

    City increases the value of two scholarships which will provide eligible students with a 50 per cent reduction to the fee of their first year.

    Hashtag: Student success

  7. Media scandals: sound and fury, but in the end, little changes

    Media scandals: sound and fury, but in the end, little changes

    Media scandals overwhelmingly focus on flawed people, rather than on the structural forces that allow, foster and condone their transgressions.

  8. Centre for Food Policy helps rank recipes and meals based on their CO2 impact

    Centre for Food Policy helps rank recipes and meals based on their CO2 impact

    A new collaboration between City, University of London and Edamam introduces a traffic light system to rank and find recipes on the internet based on their CO2 imprint.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. Professor Andre Spicer appointed as Interim Dean of Bayes Business School

    Professor of Organisational Behaviour to take up position as Interim Dean from 1st December.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Maximising the power of the sun through new solar cells

    Maximising the power of the sun through new solar cells

    Dr Francisco Cabrera and Professor Azizur Rahman are developing a solar cell combining plasmonic and surface texturing which could replace the widely-used crystalline silicon solar cell (c-Si).