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  1. Global effort to defend journalism needs a reset – here’s how to do better

    Global effort to defend journalism needs a reset – here’s how to do better

    A two-year evaluation of the Media Freedom Coalition shows that it still has a long way to go before it can claim to be helping to reverse the global decline in media freedom.

    Hashtag: Research study

  2. What is a non-dom? An expert answers questions about the tax status claimed by Rishi Sunak’s wife and other wealthy people

    What is a non-dom? An expert answers questions about the tax status claimed by Rishi Sunak’s wife and other wealthy people

    Professor Ronen Palan from City, University of London's Department of International Politics answers key questions about the Chancellor's wife and her 'non-dom' status.

  3. How could changing a long-trodden path boost a company’s digital transformation?

    How could changing a long-trodden path boost a company’s digital transformation?

    New comparative research, co-authored by Bayes Business School, explores how decision-makers can change leadership.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  4. Hungary: election triumph for Viktor Orbán is a warning to progressive parties seeking a marriage of convenience with the far right

    Hungary: election triumph for Viktor Orbán is a warning to progressive parties seeking a marriage of convenience with the far right

    Data from the ProDem project – a research project looking at how democracy has changed in Europe – shows that the United for Hungary ticket did not motivate voters equally across parties

    Hashtag: Research study

  5. The politics of Uber

    The politics of Uber

    Study reveals how platform firms like Uber use a strategy of ‘contentious compliance’ to gain infrastructural power in the United States and Europe.

    Hashtag: Research study

  6. Covid: how anti-vaccine influencers exploit mothers

    Covid: how anti-vaccine influencers exploit mothers

    New research has found that wellness influencers often strategically target mothers on social media to build support for their cause.

    Hashtag: Research study

  7. Lessons from France on the regulation of internet pornography

    Lessons from France on the regulation of internet pornography

    New research by Professor Neil Thurman draws lessons from France as to the myriad challenges of regulating internet pornography.

    Hashtag: Research study

  8. Ukraine war’s surprising links to the 2008 financial crisis – and the parallels with 1939

    Ukraine war’s surprising links to the 2008 financial crisis – and the parallels with 1939

    By Professor Ronen Palan. Professor of International Politics at City, University of London.

  9. Roubles for Russian gas “likely to lead to restructuring of commodity trade flows”

    Bayes commodities expert predicts alternative sources and routes for European energy if Russian counter-sanctions are upheld.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  10. How a journalism student is amplifying the voices of young women refugees from Syria to Ukraine

    How a journalism student is amplifying the voices of young women refugees from Syria to Ukraine

    A City, University of London journalism student is putting her studies into practice across the world, by giving refugee women and girls the opportunity to tell their stories.