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  1. Bioinspired whisker arrays can work as antennae to detect sources of flow disturbances under water or in the air

    Bioinspired whisker arrays can work as antennae to detect sources of flow disturbances under water or in the air

    New research published by Professor Christoph Bruecker and his team in Nature: Scientific Reports could form the basis of aviation innovation.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. HIPER Pile system developed by City and Keltbray wins Best Innovation Award at Construction News Awards

    HIPER Pile system developed by City and Keltbray wins Best Innovation Award at Construction News Awards

    The technology was first employed in the construction of HS2’s Maria Fidelis facility in Euston.

    Hashtag: Research study

  3. City hosts University of Havana officials

    City hosts University of Havana officials

    Marian Cabrera and Arlem Perdomo Diaz visit several areas of the campus in relation to their work in Cuba.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Listed real estate sector hit hard by Ukrainian conflict and energy crisis

    Bayes Quarterly Commercial Real Estate Market Monitor shows rapid decline in real estate equity and debt market for Q2 2022.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight

  5. "Our ability to think about the future is one of our greatest blessings but often also a great curse"

    "Our ability to think about the future is one of our greatest blessings but often also a great curse"

    An edited excerpt of the Dean's address at the 2022 Summer Graduation Ceremony, delivered by Professor Richard Payne, Deputy Dean.

    Hashtags: Announcements, graduate success

  6. ISIS’s Genocide Against The Yazidis: Why Is It Important To Hold States To Account?

    ISIS’s Genocide Against The Yazidis: Why Is It Important To Hold States To Account?

    Reader in International Law in The City Law School, Dr Aldo Zammit Borda, is a member of the Yazidi Justice Committee (YJC).

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Bayes PhD students collect prestigious Best Paper awards

    Bayes PhD students collect prestigious Best Paper awards

    PhD in Finance candidates recognised for research excellence at academic conferences.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. Pakistan: how an economic crisis has sent prices rocketing

    Pakistan: how an economic crisis has sent prices rocketing

    Dr Juvaria Jafri, an Honorary Research Fellow at City, University of London and Research Associate at University of Cambridge, unpicks the problems causing Pakistan’s escalating financial woes.

  9. The Uber Files: Lack of ethics and morality over ‘free market place’ will continue to haunt Uber

    The Uber Files: Lack of ethics and morality over ‘free market place’ will continue to haunt Uber

    Bayes experts in strategy and entrepreneurship on why the business model will face questions after release of the Uber Files.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  10. Journalism alumna exposes racist online videos

    Journalism alumna exposes racist online videos

    MA Investigative Journalism alumna Runako Celina has won plaudits for her BBC Africa Eye investigation into videos made in Malawi and circulated on Chinese websites.

    Hashtag: Student success