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  1. OfS awards City £4.7M in capital funding

    OfS awards City £4.7M in capital funding

    City awarded OfS capital grant for developing tech to support STEM and healthcare students’ learning

  2. Professor Vasso Ioannidou appointed to ESRB’s Advisory Scientific Committee

    Professor Vasso Ioannidou appointed to ESRB’s Advisory Scientific Committee

    Professor of Finance to provide guidance for the EU financial system.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Chancellor’s plans for UK banking reform are “puzzling”, say experts

    Bayes Business School banking experts surprised by the Chancellor’s plans to remove ‘ring-fence’ of operational regulations.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  4. NHS crisis and “unstable” queuing system cannot be solved by Prime Minister’s creative thinking, as experts lay bare truth ahead of winter

    NHS crisis and “unstable” queuing system cannot be solved by Prime Minister’s creative thinking, as experts lay bare truth ahead of winter

    Bayes Business School's operations experts say network of queues brought on by planning, following latest NHS statistics.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  5. Three graphic novels that creatively confront the climate crisis

    Three graphic novels that creatively confront the climate crisis

    Dr Dominic Davies, Senior Lecturer in English at City, University of London, on how graphic narrative has proved to be particularly adept at highlighting climate issues.

  6. Co-working spaces limit creativity in the long run, finds new study

    Co-working spaces limit creativity in the long run, finds new study

    Bayes Business School study finds shared spaces can be inhibitors to new business collaborations

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  7. Students collaborate with industry to study diversity in children’s literature

    Students collaborate with industry to study diversity in children’s literature

    MA Publishing students from City, University of London partnered with the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education on its pioneering ‘Reflecting Realities’ report

    Hashtag: Research study

  8. Celebrating International Men’s Day at the School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Celebrating International Men’s Day at the School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    In recognition of International Men’s day, City, University of London's School of Health & Psychological Sciences hosted an event of speakers and student discussion.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. Dr Jed Odermatt’s research cited by High Court of England and Wales

    Dr Jed Odermatt’s research cited by High Court of England and Wales

    The case deals with legal challenges related to the “Association Agreement” the UK concluded with Morocco.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Research paper co-authored by Dr Veselin Rakocevic wins Best Presentation Award

    Research paper co-authored by Dr Veselin Rakocevic wins Best Presentation Award

    The paper presents a new intelligent algorithm for packet reordering in multiaccess wireless networks.

    Hashtag: Announcements