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Matching funding options (showing 2130 of 35 funding options)

  1. School of Health and Psychological Sciences Doctoral studentships


    The School of Health & Psychological Sciences is offering a series of doctoral studentships to outstanding candidates pursuing an advertised doctoral proposal, funded by the school itself.

    Programme level: Postgraduate research degrees

    Postgraduate research degrees

    Fee status: Home, EU/EEA or International

  2. School of Policy & Global Affairs Doctoral Studentships


    Apply for studentships from the School of Policy and Global Affairs which includes an annual stipend, full UK tuition fee waiver and expenses.

    Programme level: Postgraduate research degrees

    Postgraduate research degrees

    Fee status: Home, EU/EEA or International

  3. Stern-Bryan Fellowship


    Every year, a British journalist gets the chance to spend three months at the Washington Post.

    Fee status: Home, EU/EEA or International

  4. The City Law School Bar Vocational Studies Scholarship


    An award of £2,000 given to postgraduate and professional programme students with exceptional entry qualifications.

    Programme level: Postgraduate taught degrees - master's degrees

    Postgraduate taught degrees - master's degrees

    Fee status: Home, EU/EEA or International

  5. The City Law School Dean's Scholarship for Academic Excellence


    Up to ten full-fee scholarships across all The City Law School postgraduate and professional programmes.

    Programme level: Postgraduate taught degrees - master's degrees

    Fee status: Home, EU/EEA or International

  6. The City Law School Doctoral Studentships


    City offers a number of full-time doctoral studentships within The City Law School for outstanding PhD candidates.

    Programme level: Postgraduate research degrees

    Fee status: Home, EU/EEA or International

  7. The City Law School Scholarship for Academic Excellence


    Up to 100 awards of £5000 (BVS) and £3000 (SPP/LLM) available to students across The City Law School postgraduate and professional programmes.

    Programme level: Postgraduate taught degrees - master's degrees

    Fee status: Home, EU/EEA or International

  8. The City Law School Solicitor’s Practice Programme Scholarship


    An award of £2,000 given to applicants for the Solicitor’s Practice Programme with outstanding qualifications.

    Programme level: Postgraduate taught degrees - master's degrees

    Fee status: Home, EU/EEA or International

  9. The Clélia Haji-Ioannou Scholarships


    The Clélia Haji-Ioannou Scholarship is given in honour of academic excellence, demonstration of financial need, and promise of continued growth.

    Programme level: Postgraduate taught degrees - master's degrees

    Postgraduate taught degrees - master's degrees

    Fee status: Home, EU/EEA or International

  10. The Marjorie Deane Financial Journalism Foundation Scholarship


    MA Global Financial Journalism offer holders can apply for the Marjorie Deane Foundation Scholarship.

    Programme level: Postgraduate taught degrees - master's degrees

    Fee status: Home, EU/EEA or International