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  1. Delphi study of risk to individuals who disclose personal information online

    Delphi study of risk to individuals who disclose personal information online

    A recent literature review and Delphi survey co-authored by Dr Lyn Robinson reveals priorities for protecting personal privacy online.

  2. Re-thinking the post-Covid office space

    Real Estate Research Centre welcomes Co-Founder of Huckletree to discuss the evolution of commercial offices in a post-pandemic world

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  3. NatWest faces FCA sanctions over reported money laundering

    Business School academics comment on possible sanctions for NatWest following failure to comply with money laundering laws.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  4. The global aviation industry a year after the COVID-19 pandemic

    The global aviation industry a year after the COVID-19 pandemic

    Linus Bauer, a City alumnus, Visiting Lecturer and Dubai-based aviation consultant considers the way forward for the civil aviation industry.

  5. Celebrating social enterprises at the first ever Good Entrepreneur Festival

    Celebrating social enterprises at the first ever Good Entrepreneur Festival

    Green businesses and social start-ups took centre stage at first ever ‘Good Entrepreneur Festival'.

    Hashtag: Student success

  6. Budget 2021: strip away pandemic largesse and UK is banking on recovery with no extra public spending

    Budget 2021: strip away pandemic largesse and UK is banking on recovery with no extra public spending

    Professor Steve Schifferes assesses whether the new Budget will maintain Rishi Sunak's popularity, or if it is in fact austerity by stealth

  7. Bob Jones obituary

    Bob Jones obituary

    Bob Jones, the longest serving teacher in the prestigious Department of Journalism at City, University of London, and one of its most colourful characters, has died aged 87.

  8. Facebook’s free speech myth is dead – and regulators should take notice

    Facebook’s free speech myth is dead – and regulators should take notice

    Dr Carolina Are uses her research to inform an analysis of Facebook’s recent decision to block its Australian users from sharing or viewing news content.

  9. Professor David Collins gives oral evidence to Parliament’s International Trade Committee

    Professor David Collins gives oral evidence to Parliament’s International Trade Committee

    The City Law School’s Professor of International Economic Law says it appears that in terms of its international trade agreements, the UK has prioritized data flow over the protection of privacy.

  10. MBA students named the pick of the bunch after earning entrepreneurs award

    A group of MBA students won the Entrepreneur's Choice Award Regionals Finals prize at the international Venture Capital Investment Competition.