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  1. City awarded Bronze Award for Race Equality Charter

    City awarded Bronze Award for Race Equality Charter

    Advance, HE recognise City's progress towards race equity with a Bronze Award for Race Equality Charter.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Dr Constantino Carlos Reyes-Aldasoro co-chairs British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)

    Dr Constantino Carlos Reyes-Aldasoro co-chairs British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)

    More than 400 delegates attend the four-day event hosted at the iconic Kia Oval Cricket ground.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Charities can make “huge difference” to society by working with government and private business, says Lord Gus O’Donnell

    Charities can make “huge difference” to society by working with government and private business, says Lord Gus O’Donnell

    Centre for Charity Effectiveness hosts anniversary event to ask what is next for civil society leaders?'

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements

  4. Now is the right time for the Glazer family to sell Manchester United, says M&A expert

    Now is the right time for the Glazer family to sell Manchester United, says M&A expert

    Dr Naaguesh Appadu explains why the Glazers have outlined plans for new investment in the Premier League club.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  5. Banksy’s copyright battle with Guess: Anonymity shouldn’t compromise his legal rights

    Banksy’s copyright battle with Guess: Anonymity shouldn’t compromise his legal rights

    Resorting to copyright laws may protect the reputation of artists like Banksy who do not want to be associated with marketing and profit-oriented activities.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Researchers point to increased polarization around climate change on social media

    Researchers point to increased polarization around climate change on social media

    In a new study published in Nature Climate Change, Dr Andrea Baronchelli and colleagues discover a spike in online climate sceptic tweets fuelled by growing “right-wing activity”.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. New research suggests pensions savers lose £1.7 billion each year as they enter retirement

    New report finds pension scheme members lose significant value of their savings through poor guidance.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  8. Clive Myrie gives James Cameron Lecture at City

    Clive Myrie gives James Cameron Lecture at City

    “The people who attack journalists don’t want objectivity; they want propaganda” – esteemed BBC journalist argues in defence of his trade during eloquent speech.

    Hashtag: Campus life

  9. The UK Supreme Court’s decision on Scotland’s Independence is likely to cause tensions

    The UK Supreme Court’s decision on Scotland’s Independence is likely to cause tensions

    Dr John Stanton, a Senior Lecturer in The City Law School, comments on the constitutional issues at stake.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. The end of low interest rates? Why now is the time to seek help from the Bank of Mum and Dad

    The end of low interest rates? Why now is the time to seek help from the Bank of Mum and Dad

    Professor Les Mayhew believes that the fall in five-year fixed-term mortgage rates is not enough to support a change in fortunes for those wanting to buy.

    Hashtag: Expert comment