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  1. City launches Autonomous Systems and Machine Learning Lab

    City launches Autonomous Systems and Machine Learning Lab

    Technologies developed in the new facility could have a ‘transformative effect’.

  2. Covering 9/11: 20 years on I can still vividly recall those scenes

    Covering 9/11: 20 years on I can still vividly recall those scenes

    Dr Glenda Cooper on covering 9/11 and support for frontline journalists who experience trauma.

  3. The costs of political misalignment: Forest fires and bank loans in Turkey

    The costs of political misalignment: Forest fires and bank loans in Turkey

    Discussing the implications of the recent stand-off between central and local governments in Turkey, and how the costs of political misalignment may affect banks’ lending practices in the country.

  4. Marlboro owner’s takeover of Vectura “makes strategic sense”

    Bayes Business School M&A expert comments on Philip Morris International (PMI)’s controversial takeover of medical device producer Vectura

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  5. Turning Back Migrant Boats – Always Illegal?

    Turning Back Migrant Boats – Always Illegal?

    The City Law School’s Professor of Maritime Law, Professor Jason Chuah, considers the applicable legal context.

  6. Five years of women in leadership: reflecting on the Hampton-Alexander Review

    Denise Wilson OBE reflects on the progress of women in leadership over past five years for Bayes Business School's final Food for Thought' webinar

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  7. Collaborative thinking between universities and industry can take partnerships to next level

    The National Centre for Creativity enabled by AI (CebAI) at City, University of London welcomed speakers from across academia, the arts and business to discuss technology, human creativity, and effective collaboration in the first conference of its

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  8. MBA alumnus secures new majority investor and partners after scaling tech company to further heights

    An MBA alumnus at Bayes Business School (formerly Cass) has encouraged a strong team, a learning culture and a focus on achieving results for those targeting a successful career in business after securing a lucrative investment in his

    Hashtags: Announcements, graduate success

  9. City climbs 27 places in The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022

    City climbs 27 places in The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022

    City, University of London, has climbed 27 national places to 55th in The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. 9/11 inspired an outpouring of classical music – too much of it thoughtless and emotionless

    9/11 inspired an outpouring of classical music – too much of it thoughtless and emotionless

    Dr Ian Pace discusses the array of compositions supposedly inspired by 9/11