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  1. PhD researchers from The City Law School present their findings

    PhD researchers from The City Law School present their findings

    The 2023 PhD Forum brings together researchers and senior academics.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Civil Engineering alumni share reunion visit with City President

    Civil Engineering alumni share reunion visit with City President

    Since graduating in 1973, the quartet have each gone on to have quite varied careers.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. One in six properties in England will be affected by flood risk by 2050, study suggests

    One in six properties in England will be affected by flood risk by 2050, study suggests

    Bayes Business School’s Real Estate Centre releases first report into how climate risk is affecting residential property in England

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  4. Women’s health: how fertility, menstruation and menopause affect women’s career decisions

    Women’s health: how fertility, menstruation and menopause affect women’s career decisions

    The Bayes Global Women’s Leadership Programme welcomes three speakers to discuss the impact of women’s health on their careers.

  5. Time to grow at the MBA London Symposium

    Time to grow at the MBA London Symposium

    MBA students hear from founders, economists, athletes and more at the annual London MBA Symposium

  6. Eleanor Schaff, David Horwich, David Scully and Maud Mullan take top spots in the annual mooting competition of The City Law School

    Eleanor Schaff, David Horwich, David Scully and Maud Mullan take top spots in the annual mooting competition of The City Law School

    The moot is exclusively organised for the School’s post-graduate students.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Pod off the press: students pitch podcast ideas to the experts

    Pod off the press: students pitch podcast ideas to the experts

    Students present their ideas for podcasts to a panel of industry experts ahead of the launch of a new programme in the Department of Journalism.

    Hashtag: Campus life

  8. City to host Corporate Engagement event on May 25th

    City to host Corporate Engagement event on May 25th

    At the event, case studies of City’s recent successes will be presented and visitors will be able to meet world leading City experts and support professionals in their respective fields.

    Hashtags: Research news, Research study

  9. High-profile delegation from India’s Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) visits City

    High-profile delegation from India’s Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) visits City

    New agreement will see VIT students studying on City’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Engineering and Computer Science.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Research Excellence Framework significantly increases UK university output but not efficiency, study shows

    Research Excellence Framework significantly increases UK university output but not efficiency, study shows

    Study from City, University of London shows the impact of REF on domestic research output against international competitors and impactful of strategising behaviours.

    Hashtag: Research study