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  1. Bayes expert explains Vietnamese billionaire fraud case

    Bayes expert explains Vietnamese billionaire fraud case

    Professor Anh Tran reacts to the female businessowner sentenced to death for defrauding a Vietnam bank for £35bn.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  2. City hackathon participants invited to 10 Downing Street

    City hackathon participants invited to 10 Downing Street

    Students enjoy tour of Number 10 Downing Street after working with civil servants in a successful AI Hackathon last summer.

  3. Launch of the VR Wellbeing Fair with Phase Space

    Launch of the VR Wellbeing Fair with Phase Space

    Jointly hosted by City’s School of Science & Technology, School of Health & Psychological Sciences, St George’s, University of London and our Student’s Union.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. City, University of London partners with Vested to support new talent in PR and marcomms

    City, University of London partners with Vested to support new talent in PR and marcomms

    City partners with consultancy Vested to deliver "Pitching Campaigns" module for marcomms and PR students.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Bayes’ Insurance MSc wins international recognition

    Bayes’ Insurance MSc wins international recognition

    Bayes recognised as a Global Centre of Insurance Excellence for MSc in Insurance and Risk Management

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Insidious and potentially lethal - the strange rise of organisational parasites

    Insidious and potentially lethal - the strange rise of organisational parasites

    'Institutional parasites'find

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  7. Celebrating neurodiversity week

    Celebrating neurodiversity week

    Event was well attended by staff, students and external experts, and it gave participants an excellent opportunity to share their knowledge

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. How rightwing beliefs shape your view of the past – while leftwingers look to the future

    How rightwing beliefs shape your view of the past – while leftwingers look to the future

    Dr Francesco Rigoli writes in The Conversation about whether right-leaning members of the public evaluate the past, present, and future differently compared to those on the left

    Hashtag: Research study

  9. Marking International Women’s Day

    Marking International Women’s Day

    School of Health & Psychological Sciences marks International Women’s Day with a special event

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Great Belt strait disruption not as potentially damaging to shipping as regional conflict, argues Bayes supply chain expert

    Great Belt strait disruption not as potentially damaging to shipping as regional conflict, argues Bayes supply chain expert

    Professor ManMohan Sodhi comments on Great Belt strait incident.

    Hashtag: Expert comment