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  1. How collaborative working across the globe is increasing innovation and creativity

    How collaborative working across the globe is increasing innovation and creativity

    Bayes Business School centres showcase breadth of innovative and creative collaborations across the globe to celebrate World Creativity and Innovation Week.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Research paper co-authored by City’s Dr Martin Nyx Brain wins Best Tool Paper Award at the European Joint Conference on the Theory & Practice of Software (ETAPS)

    Research paper co-authored by City’s Dr Martin Nyx Brain wins Best Tool Paper Award at the European Joint Conference on the Theory & Practice of Software (ETAPS)

    The paper describes cvc5, a software verification tool and automated theorem prover.

    Hashtags: Announcements, Research news, Research study

  3. City students receive internship opportunities at Incomindios UK

    City students receive internship opportunities at Incomindios UK

    Maryam Negm, Hannah Cotton and Tiffany Loera are interning with the human rights charity.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Professor Okyay Kaynak delivers lecture on Digital Transformation

    Professor Okyay Kaynak delivers lecture on Digital Transformation

    The UNESCO Chair of Mechatronics at Bogazici University is hosted by the City Chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers UK (IEEE).

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. City announces new MA Financial Journalism scholarship with

    City announces new MA Financial Journalism scholarship with

    Available for a UK student in the 2022/23 academic year, the new scholarship covers course fees and applications are open now.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. MBA London Symposium 2022: Developing and adapting careers in changing business cultures

    MBA London Symposium 2022: Developing and adapting careers in changing business cultures

    Four-day elective closes with talks on working collaboratively, equality in the workplace, and transformative London.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements

  7. Day three of Bayes MBA London Symposium examines energy and environmental issues facing the UK

    Day three of Bayes MBA London Symposium examines energy and environmental issues facing the UK

    MBA Symposium continues with a look into how the world’s energy and climate problems are affecting economic growth.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements

  8. MBA London Symposium 2022: The values and demands of leadership in a changing world

    MBA London Symposium 2022: The values and demands of leadership in a changing world

    The second day welcomes speakers and leaders of business to explore changing demands in the world of work.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements

  9. Bayes MBA London Symposium 2022 kicks off looking into London’s post-Covid role on the world stage

    Bayes MBA London Symposium 2022 kicks off looking into London’s post-Covid role on the world stage

    First day of the MBA Symposium addresses the state of the United Kingdom and London as the world looks to bounce back from the pandemic shock.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements

  10. Creating more efficient wind turbines 

    Creating more efficient wind turbines 

    Dr Marinos Manolesos is developing a streamlined process for designing enhanced vortex generators (VG) for wind turbine blades. 

    Hashtag: Announcements