The event lays the foundation for a national network and further discourse on art and technology.

By City Press Office (City Press Office), Published


As a member of the Turing University Network City, University of London’s Artificial Intelligence Research Centre (CitAI), co-organised a session on ‘AI Art’, on 7th June 2023, with the Alan Turing Institute.

Chaired by Professor Eduardo Alonso, representatives of academia (Goldsmiths, King’s College), companies (DeepMind, Stability AI), the British Council, art organisations (FutureEverything), artists (Anna Ridler, Jake Elwes, Sougwen Chung), curators (Luba Elliott, Lucy Sollitt) and gallerists (The Serpentine, Unit London, Gazelli Art House, Verisart) participated in a discussion about the public value of AI art, and how art can support AI and, more generally, science and technology, and vice versa.


Professor Alonso said:

“With this event, we are laying the foundations, so to speak, for a national network on AI art, to drive the discourse and serve communities and the creative industries in an informed, participatory manner.”
