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  1. Professor David Collins appointed Independent Member on the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) of the UK Trade Remedies Authority

    Professor David Collins appointed Independent Member on the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) of the UK Trade Remedies Authority

    The UK Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) investigates if trade remedies are needed to prevent injury to UK industries.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Professor Muttukrishnan Rajarajan is a founder member of the UK FinTech Academic Network (UKFAN)

    Professor Muttukrishnan Rajarajan is a founder member of the UK FinTech Academic Network (UKFAN)

    Set up by Innovative Finance, the network of academics and universities has established a multidisciplinary and self-sustaining FinTech research community in the UK.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Her Majesty The Queen

    Her Majesty The Queen

    It is with the deepest regret we record the death of Her Majesty The Queen, mother of Her Royal Highness Anne The Princess Royal, Chancellor of the University of London.

  4. The British Aphasiology Society Symposium 2022

    The British Aphasiology Society Symposium 2022

    City, University of London hosts this annual symposium to understand and support the needs of people with aphasia, a language disorder caused by brain injury, and commonly stroke.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Building the future of Global Food Systems at the T20 Summit

    Building the future of Global Food Systems at the T20 Summit

    Professor Corinna Hawkes, City, University of London, speaks at the T20 Summit, Indonesia, on the opportunities and challenges facing Global Food Systems today and in the future.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Sticking rigidly to values is linked to political extremism, study finds

    Sticking rigidly to values is linked to political extremism, study finds

    City, University of London research suggests that political extremists hold on rigidly to particular values, whereas political moderates embrace a wider field of values more loosely.

  7. Can early brain imaging help us understand the development of schizophrenia?

    Can early brain imaging help us understand the development of schizophrenia?

    Led by City, University of London, study suggests that functional brain imaging used over time could provide clues to schizophrenia development in the young adult.

    Hashtag: Research study

  8. Sir Julian Young to receive City’s first ever Distinguished STEM Alumni Award

    Sir Julian Young to receive City’s first ever Distinguished STEM Alumni Award

    Sir Julian is the 140th President of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and is the former Director General Air of the Royal Air Force.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. Celebrating one year as Bayes Business School

    Celebrating one year as Bayes Business School

    As Bayes Business School marks its first birthday, we take a look at some key milestones from the last 12 months.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Liz Truss: the financial whirlwind facing the new prime minister

    Liz Truss: the financial whirlwind facing the new prime minister

    Professor Steve Schifferes, Honorary Research Fellow in City, University of London’s Department of International Politics, assesses the economic challenges facing the new Prime Minister.