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  1. Push for COVID-19 vaccine patent waiver isn’t a panacea: but it could nudge companies to share

    Push for COVID-19 vaccine patent waiver isn’t a panacea: but it could nudge companies to share

    The City Law School’s Dr Enrico Bonadio and Dr Filippo Fontanelli of the University of Edinburgh discuss opening up access to vaccines by relaxing patent rights.

  2. A day in Lockdown

    A day in Lockdown

    City Lecturer, Dr Ernesto Priego, co-authors a COVID-19 Response four-page comic depicting a day in the life of a family with a child with a disability during the first UK lockdown in 2020.

  3. Business School academics and alumni earn award nods for contributions to research

    Academy of Management scholars praise work of Business School staff and students, past and present

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. School of Health Sciences Practice Excellence Award Winners 2020

    School of Health Sciences Practice Excellence Award Winners 2020

    City, University of London’s School of Health Sciences’ annual Practice Excellence Awards are an opportunity to thank colleagues who provide invaluable support to students on placement.

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  5. Low interest rates may not be enough to sustain the long-term future of the housing market

    City Professor of Statistics believes an imbalance between house prices and earnings will impact the post-pandemic housing market.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  6. ‘Overcomplicated’ apprenticeship levy risks cutting employers and employees adrift

    City professors call for increased flexibility to ensure best training for next generation of apprentices

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  7. International Nurses Day 2021: A Voice to Lead - A vision for future healthcare

    International Nurses Day 2021: A Voice to Lead - A vision for future healthcare

    The theme of International Nurses Day this year is a ‘A vision for future healthcare’ informed by the disruptions and innovations in healthcare brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. Reporting Covid

    Reporting Covid

    Dr Mark Honigsbaum discusses the new episode of his ‘Going Viral’ podcast, produced with support from City’s Department of Journalism.

  9. Who will be the winners and losers of flexible working?

    Professor of Finance discusses the implications of working from home and the societal and economic effects it will have.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  10. ‘Apartheid’ claim, Israel and the verdict of international law

    ‘Apartheid’ claim, Israel and the verdict of international law

    After a recent Human Rights Watch report applies the term “apartheid” to the Israeli authorities treatment of Palestinians, Dr Leonie Fleischmann unpicks why the terminology matters so much.