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  1. Co-working spaces limit creativity in the long run, finds new study

    Co-working spaces limit creativity in the long run, finds new study

    Bayes Business School study finds shared spaces can be inhibitors to new business collaborations

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  2. Students collaborate with industry to study diversity in children’s literature

    Students collaborate with industry to study diversity in children’s literature

    MA Publishing students from City, University of London partnered with the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education on its pioneering ‘Reflecting Realities’ report

    Hashtag: Research study

  3. Celebrating International Men’s Day at the School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Celebrating International Men’s Day at the School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    In recognition of International Men’s day, City, University of London's School of Health & Psychological Sciences hosted an event of speakers and student discussion.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Dr Jed Odermatt’s research cited by High Court of England and Wales

    Dr Jed Odermatt’s research cited by High Court of England and Wales

    The case deals with legal challenges related to the “Association Agreement” the UK concluded with Morocco.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Research paper co-authored by Dr Veselin Rakocevic wins Best Presentation Award

    Research paper co-authored by Dr Veselin Rakocevic wins Best Presentation Award

    The paper presents a new intelligent algorithm for packet reordering in multiaccess wireless networks.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Academic excellence rewarded at The City Law School’s 2022 Prize-giving ceremony

    Academic excellence rewarded at The City Law School’s 2022 Prize-giving ceremony

    Executive Dean, Professor Richard Ashcroft, heartily congratulates all winners.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. City launches new student employability programme

    City launches new student employability programme

    City is among the first UK universities to make both career-focused modules and professional experience mandatory parts of undergraduate courses

  8. Learning on the road: MSc Management at the Tate Modern

    Learning on the road: MSc Management at the Tate Modern

    How learning at a London art museum is enhancing the student experience.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. Narratives of Denial of Human Rights Violations at the UN Human Rights Council

    Narratives of Denial of Human Rights Violations at the UN Human Rights Council

    The City Law School’s Dr Aldo Zammit Borda comments on the continued ‘invisibility’ of the situation in Xinjiang, China.

    Hashtag: Research study

  10. City, University of London research highlights in 2022

    City, University of London research highlights in 2022

    Top City, University of London research in 2022