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  1. The City Law School hosts Sentencing Seminar

    The City Law School hosts Sentencing Seminar

    The Sentencing Council and the Sentencing Academy discuss ‘Current issues in sentencing policy and research.’

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Bayes Business School announced as Centre of Actuarial Excellence

    Bayes Business School announced as Centre of Actuarial Excellence

    Award by the Society of Actuaries makes Bayes one of the two institutions in the UK with the designation.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Schoolteachers’ wellbeing doesn’t fully recover over the Christmas break, suggests study

    Schoolteachers’ wellbeing doesn’t fully recover over the Christmas break, suggests study

    Study from City, University of London and the University of Sheffield suggests that teachers experiencing high levels of exhaustion don't fully recover their wellbeing over the Christmas break.

    Hashtag: Research study

  4. Tár – an exploration of the flawed musicians behind decadent music

    Tár – an exploration of the flawed musicians behind decadent music

    Ian Pace, Professor of Music writes for The Conversation about the depiction of Lydia Tár, the fictional composer in the 2022 film, Tár.

  5. Increased collaboration vital if business schools are to act decisively to counteract social and economic issues

    Increased collaboration vital if business schools are to act decisively to counteract social and economic issues

    Joint letter from researchers says more needs to be done to tackle increasing environmental concerns.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  6. ‘Journalism is a public service’: Arya Fatih inspires graduates at the Barbican

    ‘Journalism is a public service’: Arya Fatih inspires graduates at the Barbican

    Student speaker Arya Fatih, MA Broadcast Journalism, inspires graduates on final day of winter graduation ceremonies

    Hashtag: Campus life

  7. A  bumper year for City’s winter graduation ceremonies

    A bumper year for City’s winter graduation ceremonies

    3,000 graduates attended the winter graduation ceremonies at the Barbican to receive their degrees.

    Hashtag: Campus life

  8. The Shape of Change

    The Shape of Change

    An edited excerpt of Professor André Spicer, Dean of Bayes Business School’s Graduation speech, delivered at London’s Barbican Centre on Monday 16 January 2023.

  9. ‘Knowledge is power’: Student Union President Gesmina Tsourrai addresses Bayes graduates

    ‘Knowledge is power’: Student Union President Gesmina Tsourrai addresses Bayes graduates

    SU President Gesmina Tsourrai inspires Bayes students at their winter graduation ceremony and discusses her career ambitions

    Hashtag: Campus life

  10. Conflicts of interest in UK food regulation “puts public health at risk,” argue experts

    Conflicts of interest in UK food regulation “puts public health at risk,” argue experts

    Experts from City, University of London, and University of Sussex Business School, argue that conflicts of interest in UK food regulation “puts public health at risk.”

    Hashtag: Research study