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  1. Concerns over pension fund collapse following mini-budget is “hyperbole”, according to Bayes pensions expert

    Professor Andrew Clare believes most pensions schemes will emerge from the Chancellor’s fiscal statement in a healthy state.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  2. City, University of London businesses earn funding boosts with bright plans for the future

    City, University of London businesses earn funding boosts with bright plans for the future

    Grants awarded to support Launch Lab businesses at City, University of London.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Uncertainty on the markets “will lead to forced property sales”

    Uncertainty on the markets “will lead to forced property sales”

    Bayes real estate markets expert says dynamic interest rates will cause a headache for lenders and cost recent borrowers on fixed rates.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  4. Cutting stamp duty tax is a smokescreen during rising mortgage rates and fewer buyers

    Business School Professor says the elderly have been left behind in the latest budget announcement by

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  5. Bayes climbs the rankings in both The Times Good University Guide 2023 and The Guardian’s Best UK Universities

    Bayes climbs the rankings in both The Times Good University Guide 2023 and The Guardian’s Best UK Universities

    City, University of London improves positions nationally for both Accounting and Finance and Business, Management and Marketing programmes.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Household indebtedness and financial stability

    Household indebtedness and financial stability

    Dame Colette Bowe delivers keynote to Building Societies Association Workshop at Bayes.

  7. New Bayes Associate Dean targets evolving MBA programme following appointment

    New Bayes Associate Dean targets evolving MBA programme following appointment

    Professor Costas Andriopoulos on what the MBA programme at Bayes needs to look like to deal with the challenges of the future.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. Setting up for success: Welcoming students to City, University of London

    Setting up for success: Welcoming students to City, University of London

    How City is welcoming its new and returning students in 2022.

  9. Professor Nikola Stosic elected one of 72 new Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering

    Professor Nikola Stosic elected one of 72 new Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering

    Professor Stosic is City Chair in Positive Displacement Compressor Technology in the School of Science and Technology.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Should the bankers' bonus cap be abolished?

    Should the bankers' bonus cap be abolished?

    Bayes experts say limit should be removed but kept under review

    Hashtag: Expert comment