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  1. Somewhere over the rainbow: New study explains why the ‘gay community’ has fallen apart

    Research at Bayes shows that fading anti-gay stigma has fuelled the disintegration of the gay community and given rise to new gay lifestyles that compete for respect.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  2. Ukraine and the failure of the United Nations Security Council

    Ukraine and the failure of the United Nations Security Council

    The current conflict in Ukraine has revealed the extraordinary failure of the UN Security Council to live up to its primary responsibility to maintain international peace and security.

  3. Political tension with Russia should provide incentive for more resilient UK energy infrastructure, says commodities expert

    Bayes Business School professor says gas supply sanctions are not sustainable in the long run.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  4. The business of war: Russia-Ukraine conflict will impact spending and behaviours, and how SWIFT exclusion could backfire on the West

    Bayes Business School and City University academics say the economy could be boosted by war, and exclusion from SWIFT may benefit Russia and China's long-term overseas payment plans.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  5. How Sign Language Testing Can Change a Deaf Child’s Life

    How Sign Language Testing Can Change a Deaf Child’s Life

    'How Sign Language Testing Can Change a Deaf Child’s Life,' Professor Ros Herman delivers her inaugural lecture at City, University of London

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Rt. Hon. Rishi Sunak MP delivers 2022 Mais Lecture at Bayes

    Chancellor of the Exchequer delivers prestigious annual lecture at Bayes Business School to set out his vision for a successful free market economy.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  7. Confidence culture tells women to be more self-assured – but ignores the real problems

    Confidence culture tells women to be more self-assured – but ignores the real problems

    Professor Rosalind Gill from City, University of London, and Professor Shani Orgad from LSE discuss the central themes behind their critically acclaimed new book.

    Hashtag: Research news

  8. Taming the titans of the digital economy

    Taming the titans of the digital economy

    Dr Ryan Stones examines the assertion by Technology and the Digital Economy Minister, Chris Philp, that the proposed UK approach to regulating digital markets is “superior” to that of the EU.

  9. Why victims of domestic abuse don’t leave

    Why victims of domestic abuse don’t leave

    Writing in The Conversation, The City Law School’s Dr Cassandra Wiener says the use of coercive control is a calculated strategy of domination employed by abusers.

  10. Accounting firms deliver fairer value for M&A than investment banks, study finds

    Research from Bayes Business School suggests audit expertise holds the key for fair deal valuation.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight