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  1. Mayor of London launches mobile app created by Raven Science

    Mayor of London launches mobile app created by Raven Science

    Professor Tom Chen’s spin-out company creates the iREPORTit app.

  2. Intellectual property and COVID-19 medicines: why a WTO waiver may not be enough

    Intellectual property and COVID-19 medicines: why a WTO waiver may not be enough

    The City Law School’s Dr Enrico Bonadio and the University of Turku’s Dr Dhanay M. Cadillo Chandler argue for making vaccines available for as many developing countries as possible.

  3. Racial inequality research inspires BFI film showcase

    Racial inequality research inspires BFI film showcase

    A City sociologist’s research interviews highlighting racial inequality for British East and Southeast Asians in the screen industries have been turned into a series of powerful short films.

  4. City partners with Bloomberg for business journalism diversity scheme

    City partners with Bloomberg for business journalism diversity scheme

    City, University of London is to take part in a Business Journalism Diversity Programme this summer, in partnership with Bloomberg and UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media.

  5. MSc Management graduate named first international hire at fellow alumna’s fintech firm

    Business School alumna makes MSc Management graduate first international hire of fintech firm

    Hashtags: Announcements, graduate success

  6. We must break through the sludge to bring consumers relief from red tape

    Professor Andre Spicer, Professor of Organisational Behaviour, discusses the need for reduced bureauocracy or there may be a heavy cost to consumers and their emotional wellbeing

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  7. Jaguar’s electric car target should be applauded, but the challenges are many and varied

    Professors ManMohan Sodhi and Paolo Aversa offer insight into Jaguar's aim to go electric by 2025, and warn of the challenges posed by technology giants and the UK market

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  8. Meet Kiara Goodwin

    Meet Kiara Goodwin, Full-time MBA student and Global Women's Leadership Programme Scholar. A seasoned PR professional, she has a passion for storytelling with social purpose

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. Business School MBA student wins WCIB prize

    Natalia Lopez scoops annual award for international banking dissertation

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Mental health disorders and alcohol misuse more common in LGB people

    Mental health disorders and alcohol misuse more common in LGB people

    Lesbian, gay and bisexual people are significantly more likely to have mental health conditions and report alcohol and drug misuse than heterosexual people according to a new study

    Hashtag: Research study