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  1. Obituary: Colin Bobb-Semple

    Obituary: Colin Bobb-Semple

    The Guyana-born lawyer was a cherished former Senior Lecturer at The City Law School.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Professor Atif Mian delivers the Henry Thornton Lecture at Bayes

    Professor Atif Mian delivers the Henry Thornton Lecture at Bayes

    Princeton University professor delivers Bayes Business School’s flagship finance and monetary theory lecture.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Project Sunrise: an attractive post-pandemic aviation business proposition

    Project Sunrise: an attractive post-pandemic aviation business proposition

    City’s aviation expert, Linus Bauer, comments on the 2025 launch of ultra long-haul flights from the East Coast of Australia to London and New York.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Bayes academics bring research discoveries to the pub for scientific festival

    Bayes academics bring research discoveries to the pub for scientific festival

    Researchers discuss impact and evolution over three nights at the Pint of Science Festival.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  5. City launches Industrial Consortium on Compressors and Expanders for future Energy Systems (CERES)

    City launches Industrial Consortium on Compressors and Expanders for future Energy Systems (CERES)

    The new consortium creates a network of partners who will address global challenges by performing world-leading research in this energy transforming sector.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. The future of pedagogical practice in Higher Education

    Bayes invites students to participate in first ever Learning & Teaching Day to share, debate, and grow as an institution.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. City, University of London holds 11th graduation ceremony in Dubai

    City, University of London holds 11th graduation ceremony in Dubai

    City, University of London holds graduation ceremony in Dubai.

  8. Cutting civil service jobs will ‘dearly harm’ public services and only result in bankrolling management consulting firms, says Bayes leadership expert

    Cutting civil service jobs will ‘dearly harm’ public services and only result in bankrolling management consulting firms, says Bayes leadership expert

    Dr Amanda Goodall criticises UK Government proposals to cut 90,000 jobs in bid to address cost-of-living crisis.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  9. City, University of London recognised for its world leading research

    City, University of London recognised for its world leading research

    City, University of London has been recognised for producing world leading and internationally excellent research that has a major impact on society, policy and the economy.

  10. People choose healthier food when with outsiders for fear of being negatively judged

    People choose healthier food when with outsiders for fear of being negatively judged

    As warnings come about cutting sugar consumption, new experiments find food choices differ depending on observers' social groups.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight