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  1. Keeping pace with debris in space

    Keeping pace with debris in space

    Miguel-Ricardo Nkegbe, researching for his PhD in The City Law School, explores the possibilities for reducing space junk.

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  2. “We all belong in the City community”: City launches the Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusion

    “We all belong in the City community”: City launches the Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusion

    City launches its Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusion, placing EDI at the heart of its strategy.

  3. Academic explores the portrayal of Black male identities in the context of music

    Academic explores the portrayal of Black male identities in the context of music

    Dr Poonam Madar writes chapter for a new book exploring the genres of 21st century Black music.

  4. More Human. More Social. How companies can implement effective ESG strategies to drive change

    More Human. More Social. How companies can implement effective ESG strategies to drive change

    Bayes Innovate 2023 hosts professional leaders and entrepreneurs to explore the best ways to tackle the problems facing the business world.

  5. City launches new MSc programme in Space Mission Analysis and Design

    City launches new MSc programme in Space Mission Analysis and Design

    The postgraduate programme emerges out of the School’s strengths in Autonomous Systems.

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  6. City to open UK’s largest AR/VR design learning centre in partnership with ARuVR

    City to open UK’s largest AR/VR design learning centre in partnership with ARuVR

    ARuVR provides platform and expertise to prepare the next generation of Metaverse tech pioneers.

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  7. Global Scholars Reception celebrates City’s international scholars

    Global Scholars Reception celebrates City’s international scholars

    City’s Office for Global Engagement welcomes international students with prestigious scholarship for a reception.

  8. The value of futureproofing yourself: Strategising in an era of change

    The value of futureproofing yourself: Strategising in an era of change

    Bayes' Associate Dean of Student Experience leads undergraduate students in sessions on career choices.

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  9. Dominic Raab’s defence against bullying claims is that he is always ‘professional’ – but that doesn’t stack up

    Dominic Raab’s defence against bullying claims is that he is always ‘professional’ – but that doesn’t stack up

    Professors Laura Empson and Stefan Stern write for The Conversation on the ongoing investigation into claims of bullying against Dominic Raab, and what it means to be 'professional'.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  10. Beyond the Virus: Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives on Inequalities Raised by COVID-19

    Beyond the Virus: Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives on Inequalities Raised by COVID-19

    In their new book, The City Law School’s Dr Sabrina Germain and Dr Adrienne Yong explore social inequalities brought to the fore by the COVID-19 public health crisis.

    Hashtag: Announcements