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  1. Peer-befriending may help people with aphasia

    Peer-befriending may help people with aphasia

    New study led by City, University of London suggests that peer befriending may help reduce depression in people with the language problem aphasia after stroke

    Hashtag: Research study

  2. Time to start that novel?

    Time to start that novel?

    This story examines the different creative writing short courses at City and tells us about some of the student success stories.

  3. CMA blocks merger deal between Crowdcube and Seedrs

    Business School (formerly Cass) expert comments on Competition and Markets Authority ruling against crowdfunding giants

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  4. Professor Qingwei Ma seeks to unlock the potential of marine wave energy

    Professor Qingwei Ma seeks to unlock the potential of marine wave energy

    The City academic will lead on the development of a new generation modelling suite, combining machine learning techniques, for the survivability of wave energy converters in marine environments.

  5. Consumers will condemn activist brands as ‘woke-washers’ if they cannot prove moral competency when challenging freedom of speech

    Report finds brands that fail to prove their activist leanings fairly risk being labelled fame-seekers'.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight

  6. City Writes winners announced

    City Writes winners announced

    City, University of London is delighted to announce the six winners of the City Writes competition, its termly writing event which showcases the best of City Short Courses writing talent.

  7. Conducting research during COVID-19

    Conducting research during COVID-19

    The City Law School’s Dr Sabrina Germain shares her experiences in a joint Institute for Government/Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) event.

  8. Lack of retirement housing options risks leaving elderly out in the cold

    Professor at the Business School calls on government and private providers to address woeful' shortage in new report.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  9. Formula 1 must prove sustainability goes beyond the racetrack if it is to prolong its appeal

    Industry expert warns against dip in popularity unless F1 learns from last decade ahead of technological era

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  10. Stark choice for Israel as voters head to polls for fourth time in two years

    Stark choice for Israel as voters head to polls for fourth time in two years

    Dr Amnon Aran from City, University of London analyses the Israeli elections.