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  1. City announces new MA Financial Journalism scholarship with

    City announces new MA Financial Journalism scholarship with

    Available for a UK student in the 2022/23 academic year, the new scholarship covers course fees and applications are open now.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. City shows solidarity with Ukraine through agreement with Ukrainian Global University

    City shows solidarity with Ukraine through agreement with Ukrainian Global University

    City, University of London has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kyiv School of Economics, a member of the Ukrainian Global University.

  3. What are NFTs – and why are they so expensive?

    What are NFTs – and why are they so expensive?

    Dr Francesc Rodriguez Tous writes for The Conversation to explain non-fungible tokens, and what makes them so costly.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  4. MBA London Symposium 2022: Developing and adapting careers in changing business cultures

    MBA London Symposium 2022: Developing and adapting careers in changing business cultures

    Four-day elective closes with talks on working collaboratively, equality in the workplace, and transformative London.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements

  5. Autism-friendly MRI, for more inclusive medical imaging

    Autism-friendly MRI, for more inclusive medical imaging

    Dr Christina Malamateniou, City, University of London, spoke to ESMRMB Podcast about the recent review she led to help make MRI brain scans more accessible to autistic people.

  6. City nursing undergraduates shortlisted for Student Nursing Times Awards 2022

    City nursing undergraduates shortlisted for Student Nursing Times Awards 2022

    Undergraduate nursing students Andrea McKenzie and Jessica Semedo have been shortlisted for student nurse of the year in their respective disciplines of Mental Health and Children’s Nursing.

    Hashtag: Student success

  7. Day three of Bayes MBA London Symposium examines energy and environmental issues facing the UK

    Day three of Bayes MBA London Symposium examines energy and environmental issues facing the UK

    MBA Symposium continues with a look into how the world’s energy and climate problems are affecting economic growth.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements

  8. Angela Rayner, porn in parliament and a depressing week for British politics

    Angela Rayner, porn in parliament and a depressing week for British politics

    Sexualising a female politician may seem like low hanging fruit but it’s common in political discourse. In fact, research shows men will objectify women in authority as a way to reassert dominance.

  9. A complete ban on all smoking would not improve healthy life expectancy for 40 years

    A complete ban on all smoking would not improve healthy life expectancy for 40 years

    New research says ending smoking tomorrow would not be enough to hit Government's 2035 UK healthy life expectancy target.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  10. MBA London Symposium 2022: The values and demands of leadership in a changing world

    MBA London Symposium 2022: The values and demands of leadership in a changing world

    The second day welcomes speakers and leaders of business to explore changing demands in the world of work.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements