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  1. Lack of retirement housing options risks leaving elderly out in the cold

    Professor at the Business School calls on government and private providers to address woeful' shortage in new report.

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  2. Formula 1 must prove sustainability goes beyond the racetrack if it is to prolong its appeal

    Industry expert warns against dip in popularity unless F1 learns from last decade ahead of technological era

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  3. Stark choice for Israel as voters head to polls for fourth time in two years

    Stark choice for Israel as voters head to polls for fourth time in two years

    Dr Amnon Aran from City, University of London analyses the Israeli elections.

  4. Second year Business Management students fly the flag at UBC Undergraduate Challenge Grand Final

    Business School students competed in the national final of an undergraduate university competition.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Publishing alumna pens intriguing debut novel

    Publishing alumna pens intriguing debut novel

    An interview with author Ana Neimus on the publication of her debut novel, An Idiot’s Guide To Getting By.

  6. City’s Robotics and Machine Intelligence Society to host CubeSat Competition

    City’s Robotics and Machine Intelligence Society to host CubeSat Competition

    Following the recent launch of the London Space Innovation Centre, students will design a miniaturized satellite for space research.

  7. Delphi study of risk to individuals who disclose personal information online

    Delphi study of risk to individuals who disclose personal information online

    A recent literature review and Delphi survey co-authored by Dr Lyn Robinson reveals priorities for protecting personal privacy online.

  8. Re-thinking the post-Covid office space

    Real Estate Research Centre welcomes Co-Founder of Huckletree to discuss the evolution of commercial offices in a post-pandemic world

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  9. NatWest faces FCA sanctions over reported money laundering

    Business School academics comment on possible sanctions for NatWest following failure to comply with money laundering laws.

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  10. The global aviation industry a year after the COVID-19 pandemic

    The global aviation industry a year after the COVID-19 pandemic

    Linus Bauer, a City alumnus, Visiting Lecturer and Dubai-based aviation consultant considers the way forward for the civil aviation industry.