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  1. Remembering the 1943 Bengal Famine: public historian Dr Diya Gupta uses art, poetry and storytelling to reimagine history

    Remembering the 1943 Bengal Famine: public historian Dr Diya Gupta uses art, poetry and storytelling to reimagine history

    Public historian Dr Diya Gupta sets up the art exhibition “Hunger Burns”, contributes to the BBC podcast “Three Million” and the upcoming National Geographic docu-series “Erased: WW2’s Heroes of Color

    Hashtags: City Global Goals, Research news

  2. Office for Students launches consultation for proposed new name of the University

    Office for Students launches consultation for proposed new name of the University

    OfS to seek views on change of City’s name to City St George’s, University of London.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. In vino veritas

    In vino veritas

    Join Bayes academics and PhD students in the pub as part of national Pint of Science Week.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. ‘We’ve got to do more so that children don’t fall through the cracks’: City hosts conference on adolescent domestic abuse

    ‘We’ve got to do more so that children don’t fall through the cracks’: City hosts conference on adolescent domestic abuse

    The VISION Adolescent Domestic Abuse conference highlighted key issues in supporting adolescents around this specific type of abuse which is often overlooked.

  5. TikTok and Instagram are full of misleading information about birth control — and wellness influencers are helping drive these narratives

    TikTok and Instagram are full of misleading information about birth control — and wellness influencers are helping drive these narratives

    Dr Stephanie Alice Baker, Reader in Sociology at City, University of London, writes for The Conversation UK about how influencers on TikTok and Instagram are spreading disinformation about health and

    Hashtag: Research news

  6. Food policy expert gives evidence to the House of Lords

    Food policy expert gives evidence to the House of Lords

    Professor Christina Vogel contributes to the Food, Diet and Obesity Committee

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Refugees at greater risk of harm following Rwanda Bill, says Dr Alice Mesnard

    Refugees at greater risk of harm following Rwanda Bill, says Dr Alice Mesnard

    Dr Alice Mesnard, Reader in Economics, reacts to highly controversial Rwanda bill.

    Hashtag: Research news

  8. City publishes its annual Global Goals report

    City publishes its annual Global Goals report

    The Global Goals Report showcases City’s contribution to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    Hashtag: City Global Goals

  9. Education and shared values are key to an integrated nation, comms  and diversity supremo declares

    Education and shared values are key to an integrated nation, comms and diversity supremo declares

    Colleen Harris sets out a personal vision for promoting integrated communities in an increasinglydiverse Britain

    Hashtag: Impact

  10. Patients face “new normal” of medicines shortages as UK hampered by supply issues and impact of EU exit

    Patients face “new normal” of medicines shortages as UK hampered by supply issues and impact of EU exit

    New report from the Nuffield Trust, co-authored by City’s Professor Tamara Hervey suggests 'new normal' of medicine shortages in the UK post Brexit.

    Hashtag: Announcements