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  1. New Dean appointed at the School of Arts & Social Sciences

    New Dean appointed at the School of Arts & Social Sciences

    Professor Juliet John has been appointed as new Dean for the School of Arts & Social Sciences.

  2. Professor Anthony Finkelstein appointed the next President of City, University of London

    Professor Finkelstein is currently the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser for National Security and will join City in June 2021.

  3. Journalism student and BLM protest organiser talks UK racism and what needs to change

    Journalism student and BLM protest organiser talks UK racism and what needs to change

    First year journalism student, Malaika Gangooly discusses racism in the UK and how she has organised Black Lives Matter protests in her home town of Chelmsford.

  4. Lockdown home workers used to the lack of face-to-face contact now

    Ninety-one (91) per cent of employees are adjusting to the new work situation despite missing their colleagues.

  5. Professor ManMohan S. Sodhi listed as one of the leading operations management professors in the world

    Prestigious international honour for Cass Professor in Operations and Supply Chain Management.

  6. Rising violence against store workers during pandemic

    Media advisory from Dr Emmeline Taylor, Reader in Criminology at City, University of London.

  7. Insurtech in a Pandemic: Creating opportunities from threats

    New research finds insurtech may offer a route out of the pandemic for insurance companies.

  8. Professor Muttukrishnan Rajarajan says revamped UK COVID-19 contact tracing app shows importance of working with tech giants

    City’s Director of the Institute for Cyber Security says Apple and Google can assist the UK Government to address the challenges around collecting personal data.

  9. UK retailers warned of food standard threats from USA trade deals

    UK retailers must decide whether they will protect consumers from a host of potential threats to UK food standards in trade deals with the USA, warn civil society organisations and academics.

  10. Professor David Collins gives oral evidence before Parliamentary Committee

    The City Law School Professor of International Economic Law gives evidence to the House of Commons’ International Trade Committee.