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  1. Bayes MBA for Entrepreneurship ranks as one of the best across Europe

    New Poets Quants ranking places Bayes 4th best in Europe and the 2nd best in the UK.

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  2. Mindfulness in the Armed Services: Strengthening Resilience

    Mindfulness in the Armed Services: Strengthening Resilience

    UK All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Mindfulness convenes to discuss evidenced-based mindfulness in the armed services.

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  3. Is it becoming impossible to be contrarian?

    Is it becoming impossible to be contrarian?

    Bayes hosts debate around freedom of speech.

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  4. International employability and entrepreneurship programme aids partnerships for 24 UK and Sub-Saharan Africa universities

    Bayes Business School programme works to reduce levels of youth unemployment in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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  5. Professors Qingwei Ma and Shiqiang Yan contribute to award-winning research

    Professors Qingwei Ma and Shiqiang Yan contribute to award-winning research

    Their research paper, the third best overall, wins the 2022 Baker Medal, awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).

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  6. Shortlisted for THE award: Global collaboration investigating language support after brain injury

    Shortlisted for THE award: Global collaboration investigating language support after brain injury

    The Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists (CATs) has been shortlisted for the award of International Collaboration of the Year at the Times Higher Education (THE) Awards 2022.

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  7. City hosts first post-pandemic London Triangle seminar

    City hosts first post-pandemic London Triangle seminar

    Two outstanding speakers discuss their work: Professor Juan Maldacena and Dr Irene Valenzuela.

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  8. City new partner at the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at The Royal Marsden

    City new partner at the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at The Royal Marsden

    The Royal Marsden and ICR renew their Biomedical Research Centre status, and welcome City, University of London and the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre as two additional partners.

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  9. LawIRL and the City Community Legal Advice Centre

    LawIRL and the City Community Legal Advice Centre

    The City Law School’s new service is aimed at widening access to justice and the legal profession.

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  10. City imaging specialist evaluates the performance of five deep learning architectures in classifying COVID-19, Pneumonia and Healthy Individuals

    City imaging specialist evaluates the performance of five deep learning architectures in classifying COVID-19, Pneumonia and Healthy Individuals

    The research paper was published in and selected for the front cover of the Journal of Imaging.

    Hashtag: Announcements