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  1. Bayes Business School Research Highlights 2021

    A look back on some of the top research from Bayes Business School across the last 12 months.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. CityStarters Weekend winner targets UK market breakthrough with skin care product made from citrus peel

    Bayes student to build sustainable brand Citrus Cycle and is targeting the university community.

    Hashtags: Announcements, impact

  3. Slow decisions, vague trading slogans and an uncertain post-Brexit health future for the UK

    Slow decisions, vague trading slogans and an uncertain post-Brexit health future for the UK

    City’s Professor Tamara Hervey co-authors the most recent Nuffield Health Trust report, Going it alone: health and Brexit in the UK.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Bayes Business School MBA highlights of 2021

    It has been another successful year for students and graduates of the MBA Programmes at Bayes Business School. Here are some of the highlights from 2021.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Bayes experts helping to make financial advice more affordable

    Business School analytics experts work with Fintuity to develop modelling for its new Virtual Financial Adviser app.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Dr Marc Mimler receives a joint award from the European Communities Trade Mark Association

    Dr Marc Mimler receives a joint award from the European Communities Trade Mark Association

    With Queen Mary University of London’s Professor Uma Suthersanen, he has co-authored a prize-winning research paper on EU IP law.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Exploring alternative futures through design fiction

    Exploring alternative futures through design fiction

    City MSc Human-Computer Interaction student, James Kay, demonstrates plausible possibilities for emerging technologies.

    Hashtags: Announcements, Research study, Student success

  8. Three aspiring novelists win City’s Novel Studio Agent Competition

    Three aspiring novelists win City’s Novel Studio Agent Competition

    City announces the three winners of its City Novel Studio Agent Competition for novellists.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. Financial Times European Business Schools ranking places Bayes as third best in London

    Latest rankings list also has Bayes as the 23rd best in Europe and 6th best in the UK among leading Business Schools

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Addressing inequality and barriers for BAME students in postgraduate education

    Addressing inequality and barriers for BAME students in postgraduate education

    City partners with UCL and social mobility charity for new In2research programme.

    Hashtag: Announcements