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Council of Deans of Health Fellowship for City Midwifery Lecturer

By Mr Shamim Quadir (Senior Communications Officer), Published

Miranda Leach, Midwifery Lecturer at the School of Health & Psychological Sciences at City University of London, has been awarded a Council of Deans of Health Fellowship as part of its new Fellowship Scheme starting this year.

Miranda is one of only 11 successful candidates to obtain a Fellowship, and will benefit from a year-long programme of activities and events , including one-to-one mentoring from a Council Member and training in leadership development, strategic thinking, and strengthening influencing power.

The newly appointed Council of Deans of Health Fellows represent a range of academic and research experience from across the UK, as well as a variety of professions including nursing, midwifery, occupational therapy, operating department practice, physiotherapy, podiatry and radiography.

The Fellowship Scheme was launched as part of the Council’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, responding to the findings of its Academic Staffing Census which highlighted the disparities in certain demographics in the healthcare academic sector, particularly with regards to gender, ethnicity and profession.

The Scheme is therefore targeted at encouraging career progression for academics from backgrounds that are currently underrepresented within its membership, including minoritised ethnic backgrounds, female identifying, non-binary, or transgender, and allied health or midwifery backgrounds.

Miranda Leach, Midwifery Lecturer, City, University of London and Council of the Deans of Heath Fellow

When asked by the Council of Deans of Health why she applied to the Fellowship Scheme, Ms Leach said:

My motivations for applying to the Council of Deans of Health Fellowship Scheme are firstly that it would evidence and role model to colleagues that the narrative around the BAME population having less representation at senior levels is changing. Secondly, I feel that in order to achieve some of my objectives in equality and diversity I could benefit from a few things that the fellowship would offer such as, leadership development, strategic thinking and strengthening influencing power.

She was also asked what she was most looking forward to from her fellowship, responding:

“My career ambitions are to start a PhD and gain a more senior role in my institution so that the representation of the BAME community is not lacking at senior levels in the HEA arena. My commitment to anti-racism is to offer support and advice where issues do arise and signpost to where relevant help can be sought but also offer training where needed to ensure that no individual feels unjustly treated based purely on being different from others. I am most looking forward to being equipped to this and developing a strong network with leaders who can mentor me to help make a change.”

Professor Debra Salmon, Dean of the School of Health & Psychological Sciences at City, University of London said:

“We are incredibly proud of Miranda for gaining a place on the Council of Deans of Health Fellowship Scheme. This success, following such a competitive selection process, is evidence of her outstanding commitment to leadership development and influencing change. We are excited for Miranda to take full advantage of this fantastic opportunity, and to realise her aspirations during the Fellowship and beyond.”

Find out more

Visit the Council of Deans of Health Fellowship Scheme webpage.

Visit the Department of Midwifery and Radiography website.
