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A dedicated vaccine bus rolled into Northampton Square and vaccinated 97 students as part of City’s Welcome Week’s activities


The bus, which was provided in partnership with Camden Council and University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH), offered new and returning students the chance to book and receive both their first or second jab of the Pfizer vaccine for free.

The bus also gave international students an opportunity to receive a UK recognised vaccination.

City was not the only stop for the bus as the onboard team of clinicians from UCLH have been administering vaccinations across Camden and Islington.

Vaccine bus at Northampton Square
Vaccine bus at Northampton Square

It is vitally important that everyone plays their part in protecting our communities and getting the vaccine does exactly that.

While the vaccine does not guarantee you complete immunity, it will reduce the chances of you from becoming seriously ill and can also protect people around you.

I am glad to see so many students receive their vaccine bus as they return or start at City. Any student who missed the bus can still book their vaccine through their GP to ensure that they are able to safely make the most of university life.

– Chris Barnes, City’s Nurse Advisor

Students can still book their Covid-19 vaccination on the NHS website or via their GP.

For more information see the Student Hub.