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  1. Ahead of Black Friday, should we embrace or resist a cashless society?

    Ahead of Black Friday, should we embrace or resist a cashless society?

    Bayes banking experts comment on whether there is a global shift towards a cashless society.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  2. How are creative problem solving and AI supporting business leaders in making improved decisions?

    How are creative problem solving and AI supporting business leaders in making improved decisions?

    CreAtIve Comm 22 conference explores how business owners have taken learning and research and applied to real world situations.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  3. Professor Tamara Hervey considers the post-Brexit regulation of medicines

    Professor Tamara Hervey considers the post-Brexit regulation of medicines

    The City Law School academic co-authors a study in an updated report titled, ‘UK Regulation after Brexit Revisited’.

    Hashtags: Announcements, Research news, Research study

  4. Jeremy Hunt’s autumn statement is a poisoned chalice for whoever wins the next election

    Jeremy Hunt’s autumn statement is a poisoned chalice for whoever wins the next election

    Professor Steve Schifferes, Honorary Research Fellow in the City Political Economy Research Centre, gives his take on the Chancellor’s latest announcements.

  5. Dynamic inconsistency

    Dynamic inconsistency

    Professor Michael Ben-Gad, Professor of Economics in City’s Department of Economics, comments on the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement.

  6. Autumn Statement 2022: City experts have their say

    Autumn Statement 2022: City experts have their say

    City academics comment on plans set out by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in his 2022 Autumn Statement.

  7. Green Shipping: IMO Ambitions and the Need for Pluralistic Governance Solutions

    Green Shipping: IMO Ambitions and the Need for Pluralistic Governance Solutions

    Following her oral submission to South Africa’s Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport, The City Law School’s Dr Pia Rebelo shares her thoughts.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. New  Report on European Perinatal Health

    New Report on European Perinatal Health

    New report shares core indicators of the health and care of pregnant women and babies in Europe from 2015 to 2019.

    Hashtag: Research news

  9. Why COP27 should be the last of these pointless corporate love-ins

    Why COP27 should be the last of these pointless corporate love-ins

    Professor Bobby Banerjee, who is attending COP27, on why he will not be attending any future editions of the conference.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  10. Corporate duty waivers limit organic company growth and innovation, according to research

    Corporate duty waivers limit organic company growth and innovation, according to research

    New study co-authored by Bayes shows the effects of reducing fiduciary responsibilities of company managers.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight