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  1. Achieving recognition: how unique and eclectic musicians can thrive now and in the future

    A new study has found that artistic acknowledgment depends on a signature style or the pace of outputs

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight

  2. City’s Students’ Union scoops green award

    City’s Students’ Union scoops green award

    City’s Students’ Union received an award of ‘Excellent’ at the Green Impact Students’ Unions (GISU) Awards

    Hashtag: Campus life

  3. Nausheen Basha wins the Institute of Refrigeration’s Ted Perry Award

    Nausheen Basha wins the Institute of Refrigeration’s Ted Perry Award

    The City engineering PhD student has won the Award for her research into the Development of Screw Compressors by Improving the Oil Injection System.

  4. Battle-hardened fund managers produce higher returns during times of recession

    New research shows fund managers exhibit decision-making and performance traits for life in line with market conditions at the beginning of their careers.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight

  5. Official Secrets Act: UK government has a long history of suppressing journalism to hide its misdeeds

    Official Secrets Act: UK government has a long history of suppressing journalism to hide its misdeeds

    Dr Paul Lashmar on the government’s proposals for toughening the Official Secrets Act.

    Hashtag: Research study

  6. COVID-19 and its effect on people’s religious belief

    COVID-19 and its effect on people’s religious belief

    New study from City, University of London suggests an early reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic was a strengthening in position of the strongly religious and non-religious, mediated by anxiety level.

    Hashtag: Research study

  7. Lucrative investment in Harry and Meghan will pay off for Netflix, says expert

    Business School professor believes multi-million pound streaming deal will provide huge boost to popular TV show The Crown

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  8. The trustworthiness of digital data

    The trustworthiness of digital data

    The City Law School’s Lynne Townley has co-authored a chapter in the newly updated book, Electronic Evidence and Electronic Signatures.

  9. How could an Italian gallery sue over use of its public domain art?

    How could an Italian gallery sue over use of its public domain art?

    The City Law School’s Dr Enrico Bonadio and the University of Alicante’s Magali Contardi comment on the legal battle between Italy’s Uffizi gallery and Pornhub.

  10. Smoking costs UK economy in excess of £19 billion a year, new report finds

    A new report released by the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC) argues that anti-smoking measures could save billions across the UK economy.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight, announcements