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  1. Careful crafting of social media earnings posts can substantially increase price reactions

    Research shows how getting earnings announcements right on social media can significantly impact price reactions.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  2. The City Law School’s LLB1 students experience Employability Day and Induction at the Inner Temple

    The City Law School’s LLB1 students experience Employability Day and Induction at the Inner Temple

    New law students learn about opportunities to assist them in their professional journeys.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Bayes partners with The World Bank and Milken Institute to launch new asset management diploma

    Bayes partners with The World Bank and Milken Institute to launch new asset management diploma

    Business School launches new postgraduate programme.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Mini-budget: lessons from the UK’s long history of economic crises

    Mini-budget: lessons from the UK’s long history of economic crises

    Professor Steve Schifferes, Honorary Research Fellow at City's Political Economy Research Centre, looks back at what the past can teach us in the wake of the Conservative's mini-budget.

  5. Professor Vasso Ioannidou appointed Associate Dean for Research at Bayes

    Professor Vasso Ioannidou appointed Associate Dean for Research at Bayes

    Professor of Finance to lead Business School’s cutting-edge research.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Offering financial incentives may motivate staff to perform better at work, new study finds

    Offering financial incentives may motivate staff to perform better at work, new study finds

    Research says employees may be more motivated to work after receiving a bonus because they want to reciprocate a feeling of good will.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  7. Three receive School of Science and Technology (SST) Dean’s Award for Professional Experience (DAPE)

    Three receive School of Science and Technology (SST) Dean’s Award for Professional Experience (DAPE)

    Established by the SST’s Corporate Relations & Employability Unit, the Award recognises students who have produced excellent work during their placement year.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. Concerns over pension fund collapse following mini-budget is “hyperbole”, according to Bayes pensions expert

    Professor Andrew Clare believes most pensions schemes will emerge from the Chancellor’s fiscal statement in a healthy state.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  9. City, University of London businesses earn funding boosts with bright plans for the future

    City, University of London businesses earn funding boosts with bright plans for the future

    Grants awarded to support Launch Lab businesses at City, University of London.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Food for two, or twenty-two

    Food for two, or twenty-two

    When Music alumna Meliz Berg released a cookbook focused on comfort food, it shot straight to the top of the Sunday Times’ bestseller list.