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  1. In the memory of George Floyd

    A message from the President and Vice-President.

  2. Looking after your voice when video conferencing

    Giving Voices UK create animation with nine tips to help people look after their voices when video conferencing.

  3. Professor Panos Koutrakos mentioned in two legal opinions by Advocates-General of the European Court of Justice

    Both concern judicial review in the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).

  4. Healthy Habits

    Researchers from City University London are promoting healthy and more sustainable eating by working with policy makers.

  5. Improving detention law

    Research by a City University London academic has influenced governments to develop better guidelines for the treatment of detainees.

  6. Informing pregnant women

    City academics have contributed to research showing differences between midwifery units, home births and obstetric units in terms of the benefits and risks for mothers and babies.

  7. Getting to know Europe

    The European Social Survey based at City University is shedding light on the significant difference in attitudes, beliefs and behaviour of people across Europe.

  8. How colour blind are you?

    Visually demanding professions, such as the fire service and the maritime and aviation industries, specify 20/20 vision as a prerequisite for entry.

  9. Making search engines more relevant

    City University London research has contributed to search functions that deliver relevant results quickly, saving time and money.

  10. Low risks for new nuclear builds

    City research helps the UK Government and the nuclear industry make policy and investment decisions regarding nuclear power.