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  1. Mini budget: will Kwasi Kwarteng’s plan deliver growth?

    Mini budget: will Kwasi Kwarteng’s plan deliver growth?

    After the announcement of a new mini-budget, Professor Steve Schifferes of City’s Department of International Politics questions whether Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s plan will deliver growth.

  2. Serbia banning EuroPride 2022 shows hard-won progress for LGBTQ+ rights is under threat

    Serbia banning EuroPride 2022 shows hard-won progress for LGBTQ+ rights is under threat

    Ahead of his forthcoming book on Serbian sexual politics, Dr Koen Slootmaeckers assesses the controversy and tension that surrounded EuroPride 2022 in Belgrade.

  3. City hosts 2050: Appliances of the Future

    City hosts 2050: Appliances of the Future

    The event was co-organised with the Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Appliances (AMDEA), and the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS).

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Professor Jason Dykes and colleagues reflect on the challenges arising from the collaboration between epidemiological modellers and visualization researchers

    Professor Jason Dykes and colleagues reflect on the challenges arising from the collaboration between epidemiological modellers and visualization researchers

    Their paper has been published in the prestigious journal, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A

  5. Household indebtedness and financial stability

    Household indebtedness and financial stability

    Dame Colette Bowe delivers keynote to Building Societies Association Workshop at Bayes.

  6. City shares prize for Equipment Innovation at Ground Engineering Awards

    City shares prize for Equipment Innovation at Ground Engineering Awards

    A City Civil Engineering academic and leading construction engineering specialist Keltbray, have developed the HIPER Pile solution for deep foundations.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. New Bayes Associate Dean targets evolving MBA programme following appointment

    New Bayes Associate Dean targets evolving MBA programme following appointment

    Professor Costas Andriopoulos on what the MBA programme at Bayes needs to look like to deal with the challenges of the future.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. City mathematicians co-author inaugural Thomas (Tom) L. Vincent Best Paper Prize

    City mathematicians co-author inaugural Thomas (Tom) L. Vincent Best Paper Prize

    The lead author of the Paper is PhD student Alan Scaramangas.

    Hashtags: Announcements, Research news, Research study

  9. Setting up for success: Welcoming students to City, University of London

    Setting up for success: Welcoming students to City, University of London

    How City is welcoming its new and returning students in 2022.

  10. Professor Nikola Stosic elected one of 72 new Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering

    Professor Nikola Stosic elected one of 72 new Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering

    Professor Stosic is City Chair in Positive Displacement Compressor Technology in the School of Science and Technology.

    Hashtag: Announcements