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  1. When classic stories get reinvented, can they ever be a success? Five get reviewed

    When classic stories get reinvented, can they ever be a success? Five get reviewed

    News that Jacqueline Wilson is writing a new Magic Faraway Tree story is a reminder that there is a tradition of continuation and prequel novels by new authors. Dr Hetta Howes reviews five of them.

  2. Levelling up: ‘this won’t tackle inequality without Treasury buy-in’ – expert Q&A

    Levelling up: ‘this won’t tackle inequality without Treasury buy-in’ – expert Q&A

    The UK government has finally unveiled its white paper for narrowing the gap between the richest and poorest parts of the country. Professor Steve Schifferes answers the key questions on levelling up.

  3. New report: ‘Reset required? Evaluating the first two years of the Media Freedom Coalition’

    New report: ‘Reset required? Evaluating the first two years of the Media Freedom Coalition’

    The Media Freedom Coalition requires a 're-injection of energy' according to a new evaluation co-authored by City’s Head of Journalism, Dr Melanie Bunce.

    Hashtag: Research study

  4. More efficient instant payment systems can support boom in London business

    Bayes Business School academic believes immediate payment methods, already operating in Germany, represent competition for companies like PayPal.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  5. Bayes’ Business Management students tackle ageism in the workplace

    Undergraduate students working contribute towards Bayes' commitment to change more than a name'.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. City partners with UNESCO to empower the next creative economy leaders

    City partners with UNESCO to empower the next creative economy leaders

    Academics from City have helped UNESCO to create a unique online course that will help policymakers around the world to overcome the challenges created by the global pandemic.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Roger Bright receives Honorary Doctorate from City

    Roger Bright receives Honorary Doctorate from City

    The former Chief Executive of the Crown Estate has been recognised for his outstanding contribution to public service and to City.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. Student speaker on balancing postgraduate education, work and family at City’s graduation

    Student speaker on balancing postgraduate education, work and family at City’s graduation

    City, University of London student speaker, Varda Lassman, reflects on obtaining a master’s degree whilst balancing a full-time job and an expanding family, as she graduates with Distinction

    Hashtag: Student success

  9. Exploring the gaps between non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and intellectual property (IP) law

    Exploring the gaps between non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and intellectual property (IP) law

    The City Law School’s Dr Enrico Bonadio and researcher Magali Contardi (University of Alicante and Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies), respond to questions about NFTs and IP.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Just as China welcomes the world to Winter Olympics, its economy is ever more isolated from the west

    Professor Kate Phylaktis writes for The Conversation about the current state of China's economy and increasing isolation from the west, ahead of the Beijing Winter Olympics which are due to take place this month.

    Hashtag: Expert comment