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  1. Businesses of today and tomorrow flourish at CitySpark

    Businesses of today and tomorrow flourish at CitySpark

    Five businesses secured investment at the innovation and enterprise competition at City, University of London.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Domestic abuse: new housing plan in England doesn’t go far enough to keep survivors safe

    Domestic abuse: new housing plan in England doesn’t go far enough to keep survivors safe

    The relationship between domestic abuse and housing is a safeguarding issue and is not being taken seriously enough by Government.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Years of lost life needs to be included in latest recommendations on how your waist to height ratio can impact your health

    Bayes Business School recommended keeping your waist to half your height in 2014. Today, eight years on, guidelines are issued by NICE.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  4. In memory of Martin Conway

    In memory of Martin Conway

    A tribute from colleagues and friends of Professor Martin Conway (1952-2022), who served as City’s Head of Psychology until 2017, known for his pioneering theoretical work on autobiographical memory.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Global effort to defend journalism needs a reset – here’s how to do better

    Global effort to defend journalism needs a reset – here’s how to do better

    A two-year evaluation of the Media Freedom Coalition shows that it still has a long way to go before it can claim to be helping to reverse the global decline in media freedom.

    Hashtag: Research study

  6. What is a non-dom? An expert answers questions about the tax status claimed by Rishi Sunak’s wife and other wealthy people

    What is a non-dom? An expert answers questions about the tax status claimed by Rishi Sunak’s wife and other wealthy people

    Professor Ronen Palan from City, University of London's Department of International Politics answers key questions about the Chancellor's wife and her 'non-dom' status.

  7. How could changing a long-trodden path boost a company’s digital transformation?

    How could changing a long-trodden path boost a company’s digital transformation?

    New comparative research, co-authored by Bayes Business School, explores how decision-makers can change leadership.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  8. Hungary: election triumph for Viktor Orbán is a warning to progressive parties seeking a marriage of convenience with the far right

    Hungary: election triumph for Viktor Orbán is a warning to progressive parties seeking a marriage of convenience with the far right

    Data from the ProDem project – a research project looking at how democracy has changed in Europe – shows that the United for Hungary ticket did not motivate voters equally across parties

    Hashtag: Research study

  9. The politics of Uber

    The politics of Uber

    Study reveals how platform firms like Uber use a strategy of ‘contentious compliance’ to gain infrastructural power in the United States and Europe.

    Hashtag: Research study

  10. Covid: how anti-vaccine influencers exploit mothers

    Covid: how anti-vaccine influencers exploit mothers

    New research has found that wellness influencers often strategically target mothers on social media to build support for their cause.

    Hashtag: Research study