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  1. Rising heat drives crippling sandstorms across Middle East

    Rising heat drives crippling sandstorms across Middle East

    Drought and changing weather patterns feed stronger, longer dust storms, causing damage that costs the region $13 billion a year

  2. What impact could Elon Musk’s tweet have on the future ownership of the Manchester United?

    What impact could Elon Musk’s tweet have on the future ownership of the Manchester United?

    Bayes finance expert comments on the ramifications of Elon Musk’s “joke” tweet stating his intention to buy Manchester United Football Club.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  3. Using past traditions in modern innovation can boost sales and re-engage audiences

    Using past traditions in modern innovation can boost sales and re-engage audiences

    Bayes study shows how employing robust or radical strategies can boost industries including opera, fashion, design, and the performing arts.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  4. Bayes celebrates collaborative partnerships at Global Women Inventors & Innovators Network annual conference

    Bayes celebrates collaborative partnerships at Global Women Inventors & Innovators Network annual conference

    Speakers from around the world spoke on subjects including non-fungible tokens, female inventors and Intellectual Property.

    Hashtag: Impact

  5. Linus Benjamin Bauer shares City’s first ever Excellence in STEM Achievement Alumni Award

    Linus Benjamin Bauer shares City’s first ever Excellence in STEM Achievement Alumni Award

    He is a Visiting Lecturer at City and the Founder and Managing Director of Bauer Aviation Advisory (BAA).

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Clearing at City – the what, the why, the how

    Clearing at City – the what, the why, the how

    What you need to know ahead of Clearing on Thursday 18 August.

  7. Rising prices and higher interest rates mean there has 'never been a worse time to buy your first house'

    Rising prices and higher interest rates mean there has 'never been a worse time to buy your first house'

    Professor Les Mayhew believes the housing market is on the brink of collapse.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  8. To Bayes and beyond: How one MBA graduate is targeting a career in space

    To Bayes and beyond: How one MBA graduate is targeting a career in space

    Alejandro Leano has seen off the challenge of more than 23,000 hopefuls so far in his bid to join the European Space Agency.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. What is emotional labour - and how do we get it wrong?

    What is emotional labour - and how do we get it wrong?

    By Dr Stephanie Alice Baker, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, City, University of London and Dr Michael James Walsh, Associate Professor in Social Sciences, University of Canberra.

  10. China-US tensions: how global trade began splitting into two blocs

    China-US tensions: how global trade began splitting into two blocs

    Professor ManMohan Sodhi writes for The Conversation on where Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan leaves US-China trade relations.

    Hashtag: Expert comment